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View Full Version : dimmed lightning and window blinds?

15th Oct 2004, 16:03
Hello forum,

Why is the cabin lightning dimmed for landing and takeoff during night hours, and why do the blinds always have to be up for ladning and takeoff, even if it is in the middle of the day? thank you

15th Oct 2004, 17:03
Dont know about the blinds, but the lights are dimmed at night to allow your eyes to adjust to darkness incase things go tits up on landing/take off and you have to get out sharpish.

15th Oct 2004, 17:19
and the window blinds have to be up so that passengers are aware off any dangerous situations outside, if the plane would suddenly have a crash landing

15th Oct 2004, 17:53
This subject has been done to death recently, as a quick search will reveal........

16th Oct 2004, 00:27
This subject has been done to death recently, as a quick search will reveal........

Well that all depends on how you spell the word, with one n or 2 n??

I'm still a little confused about the subject:\

Old Smokey
16th Oct 2004, 02:32
In the event of an emergency necessitating passenger evacuation, it is essential that the cabin crew have an immediate and unobstructed view of the safest escape route/s.

Dimmed interior lighting at night allows for much improved visual perception of the outside escape area (looking from dark to light), AND

Having all window blinds up similarly allows for assessment in all directions, day or night.

Standard procedure with every airline that I know of, if not, it should be.

16th Oct 2004, 07:22
Hi PitotTube
Try these for starters:


There's plenty more, these were just the first three I came across