View Full Version : Who is David Tokoph?

rent a jet
13th Oct 2004, 13:04
if you have info on mr david tokoph please let me know.
there is an ad in a crew form in nbo . his airline is looking for 727 crew.



13th Oct 2004, 13:15
Don't touch it with a barge pole.

If you are desperate, use the barge pole to push it as far away as possible.

B Sousa
13th Oct 2004, 13:15
There are a few sites on the internet that mention the name. Sounds like you may wish to distance yourself.




13th Oct 2004, 14:25
Hey Bert,do a search on my name and see what comes out!!:p
Seriously folks,if you want to climb the proverbial ladder and fly bigger better faster bits of tin round the sky,its best not to know what the bosses have done to get there,or in fact ,how they keep you in the front seats.
Point in case is another "well known" contract crowd who kicked the CEO back to his native land,replaced him with a local wizzkid who is just as corrupt and crooked.
Aviation,gotta love it:ok:

B Sousa
13th Oct 2004, 15:46
Balloo the Bear.....Hmmmmm


Search was done as someone was curious.I dont particularly give one hoot who folks work for. Just think its not cool to have certain things on the Resume......
Also there are those who would like to work for a good company and for a period longer than 90 days. Life is all about choices, ask the folks who flew the 727 into Zim..........Make your own choice. :ok:

The Claw
13th Oct 2004, 19:45
Put it this way, a man who has Gurkha body guards, bullet proof car and won't drink a coke unless it is opened in front of him, clearly has something to hide! Oh and he also prefers to pay for things in cash, usually US out of a brief case:cool:

He likes to think that he owns people rather than employs them!:yuk:

13th Oct 2004, 21:02
Oh come on CLAW, he's not that nice... :E

13th Oct 2004, 21:36
Their attitude? Employees, as a commodity, are expendable.

When they were in Ostend, (Seagreen Cargo) advantage was taken of the blind eye turned.

B Sousa
14th Oct 2004, 14:34
Seems this is a big family or the FAA missed something as per www.landings.com :

Will the real........... ................ Please stand up??

Airmen Database Search Result
Airman's Address : 721 CERVANTES CT
EL PASO, TX, 79922-2102
FAA Region : Southwest
Date of Medical : Dec, 2002
Class of Medical : 1
Expiration : Jun, 2003
Airman Certificates : Commercial Pilot
Airplane Single Engine Land
: Private Pilot (foreign based)
Airplane Single Engine Land
: Mechanic

Airman's Address : PO BOX 131305
FAA Region : European
Date of Medical : Jul, 2004
Class of Medical : 1
Expiration : Jan, 2005
Airman Certificates : Airline Transport Pilot
Airplane Multiengine Land
Airplane Single Engine Land (Private Pilot)


The Claw
14th Oct 2004, 15:03
Not sure about his licence details, but he fly's his own private B727 around.

four engine jock
14th Oct 2004, 19:45
david tokoph.
alot of people can say what they think they know. but not many people know the truth.
david tokoph is a great aviation fanatic. loves all things regarding airplanes.
does he have body gaurds . yes he does. so do many wealthy people, the thing with the coke, thats alot bull.

and just to get the story correct. there are two david p tokoph. one of them is hus son.

just alot of envy from people that dont know him.

B Sousa
15th Oct 2004, 02:39
ALWAYS two sides to every story.......Good to get a positive one.
That would explain the licensing......
Maybe someone is jealous of the guy. Lots of folks in Aviation have done well on a shoe string.
As to Pilots ....We all know or at least should know, that they are the cheapest part to be replaced on any flying machine.

The Claw
15th Oct 2004, 07:39
four engine jock

As Bert says always two sides to the story. My views are based on my experience of working with him. I certainly don't envy him. Guys like Richard Branson maybe....... There are bodyguards and then there are bodyguards, his certainly ain't the norm for a "rich guy". The fact remains that he does not treat his staff right, hence the high turn-over of staff. The way he treated the guys at Ostend sucks :yuk:

Next time you are at a public venue with Mr T, open your eyes.......he is certainly not very trusting of people. One wonders why?

The only good thing I have seen is that apart from his poor brother, he is a good family man.

Sir Cumference
15th Oct 2004, 13:28
From what little I know, run a mile and then some.....

four engine jock
15th Oct 2004, 19:38
well than mr claw
it seems that you also worked for seagreen.
were you flight crew or groung crew?