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View Full Version : TILLAIR/ Chartair Reunion (yes that's Tillair)

13th Oct 2004, 09:02

Tilley, Smithy, Marcho, Brownie, Box, George, DG, Quinney, Jerdo, Reesey, Muckagin, Keeeth, Gundy, SOMF, Chronic, Huge Coon, Rowdy, Wogslev, Uncle Chatty, JT, Legs, Lurch, Squikley, Gibber, Boggie, Dragon Lady, Rosemary, Shirl the Girl, ML, Bob the Bastard, Aunty Barb, Gecko, Pod, Dangles, Paigey, Ringers, Bad Bryce, Ronbo, Barge, Cookie Monster , GGG, Tug, Possum, Dave B. Pete M, Roscoe, Jenny, Bazza, Murray, Shadow, DJ , Mildew, Slugger, Millie, Terry, Ken N.

plus all the other monikers that escape me for the moment:confused:

Muckagin has contacted some but for all the rest here are the details:
When: Sat. 13 Nov
Where: BNE
The plan is to meet between 2:00 and 3:00 at the newly renovated Normanby Hotel on the northern edge of the CBD. Dinner at the highly recommended restaurant attached to the Normanby will be on an ad-hoc basis; some still believe there’s a steak in every XXXX.

Former employees and friends of the Tillair/Chartair group are cordially invited as are those who:

wish they were,
were there but can’t remember and
those who think they’ve heard of Tillair and/or Chartair and find the novelty of seeing who was there most intriguing.

Others only need to turn up to be welcomed.

More details to follow as the date draws nearer:}

For those in need of a little nostalgia check out the "Duck" now minus the pod and the "T" but otherwise just as we left it!

For the Alice guys here is VH-ROS

This is what happened to VH-TFY

14th Oct 2004, 00:51
edited cos Im about 30 years out of date:}

14th Oct 2004, 12:39
What about the founders / owners John Tilley, Roger Leach, John Gamble, Michael Bridge, (John Hardy???)

15th Oct 2004, 05:43
John Tilley Founded Tillair and Brian Smith founded Chartair.:E

(Both with honourable mentions above)

The era we are refering to was before Tilley sold the North bit to Airnorth and the South bit to Roger.

Airnorth still runs "TL" flight numbers.

Nevertheless all interested parties are welcome:ok:

20th Oct 2004, 08:39
Who's legs?

Post '84? Don't remember that one!:=

24th Oct 2004, 02:03
Legs went to QF early in the piece - about 84 - I think.

9th Nov 2004, 05:27
I am thinking of flying in from o/s for this. Not sure if it is still happening, or if anyone from the Chartair/Brian Smith days will be there :confused: