View Full Version : CX Second Officer Upgrades

10th Oct 2004, 16:02
I'm applying to CX as a second officer. Does anyone know how long it takes to upgrade to a FO on the freighters? Do S/Os have a "seat lock" time?

I'm wondering if I should hold out until I have the time to apply as a DE FO.

By the way, does anyone know what the starting pay is for S/Os?


13th Oct 2004, 09:55
Take any job offered, dont hold out till a DE freighter position is avail.

1) SO's get paid more...by quite a bit, 30'000 hKD per month + 20000 Housing per month which goes up to 40000 after two years

2) If your desperate to do the landings you can apply for freighter positions at any point from competion of your line training. These may be Classic's or 744F depending on the base.

3) At any point if you go onto the frieghter you are locked onto it for 3 years and then can only return to pax fleet if they can afford to take you off the freighter, it is a "big if" With loads of freighters arriving i wouldnt be holding my breath.

4) Waiting for the freighter fleet means you will be just further down the seniorority list