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9th Oct 2004, 06:55
anybody please help.i need to get information on Australian college of aviation.Is it a good school? how good are they?

9th Oct 2004, 09:22
hey, the WAAC is in my opinion the best Aviation college for CPL, around here(Perth) in comparison to TAFE.their training is quite proffessional.but on the other hand TAFE has got top lecturers in the ATPL area.i hope this is of help.

10th Oct 2004, 15:13
hahah....... There must be a point to that one cause I haven't had any encounters with them :E .... bloody mooneys

As for The Australian College of Aviation.. they are a really good school but unless you have a money tree or sponsored by an Airline of some form or description you will most probably fall into the same basket as everyone else by the end... that is until airlines start changing their recruiting policies.