View Full Version : Red Flag scarey video

4th Oct 2004, 13:04
Request chaps and chaplettes:
Does anyone have a copy of the "Red Flag" crashing all over the place video? (part of the visual beno brief). I particularly want the F16 (I believe) vs cessna airmiss.

Thanks if you can help :ok:

4th Oct 2004, 18:59
If you're a military dude, speak to the FSO. They should have one.

5th Oct 2004, 10:01
i got an mpeg of it on cd
PM me with an address and i'll burn you a copy

Strength and Honour


5th Oct 2004, 13:56
Check your PMs ........

5th Oct 2004, 14:09
Don't know if this is the same Red Flag, but is it the one showing Buccaneers at FL 6 feet and the American radar guys totally dumbstruck in awe?

Would love to see a copy of that video/cd. Remember many moons ago part of it being shown on the Beeb. Absolutely stunning.

Cheers H

Regie Mental
6th Oct 2004, 08:04
No, I belive this is the video set to ZZ Top's version of Viva Las Vegas which is shown on teh Monday after the first weekend of a Flag to, how shall we say, 'refocus' everyone's attention. Been after a copy for years so any kind soul assist?


6th Oct 2004, 08:14
But are there any copies left of the famous "TAC Weapons effects" movie of about 30+ years ago?

Flight Safety movies were once great fun. 'Frustration' where a couple of mates ferry a Javelin back to the Middle East was a classic. And the wonderfully politically incorrect 'Dr FOD and the Wayward Body' with some gorgeous young lady in a pleasingly revealing cheesecloth blouse squirming her way out of a Lightning intake......

Whereas now it's just that boring EO cr@p pushed out by the Thought Police.....

The Red Flag movie has some good clips - but they certainly weren't all made at Nellis or on 'Flag exercises.

ZZ Top are excellent though!

6th Oct 2004, 11:30
tis the ZZ Top video I'm after:ok:

6th Oct 2004, 14:02
Don't know if this is the same Red Flag, but is it the one showing Buccaneers at FL 6 feet and the American radar guys totally dumbstruck in awe?

I remember seeing that in about 1979 on the Beeb. . I was an impressionable 9 year who's father had worked on Bucs (S.1 and S.2) and fell in love ever after. Bit I remember best was the black and white imagery of the Bucs jinking in at low level and an American voice in the background exclaiming "JEEZE, Are we supposed to shoot these babies?!?!?" as they desperately tried to track them. . .

6th Oct 2004, 17:10
Not quite up to ZZ Top but there is a new IMAX movie coming out later in the year about Red Flag.

If anyone has been to see an IMAX movie you'll know what a fantastic experience it is, so I cannot wait to see "Fighter Pilot, Operation Red Flag".

I would think your best bet to see it is in the USA or Canada first, it may hit the UK late 2005, I believe the premier is in the States around November time, hopefully Tom Cruise will NOT be guest of honour.:8

Krystal n chips
6th Oct 2004, 18:19
If the " Dr FOD and the Wayward Body" film is the one I think it is, it was made at Binbrook in the mid / late 70's and I have a personal involvement --well sort of--as one of the actors borrowed my ( unpolished --obviously ! :ok: ) shoes as he only had a pair of trainers---and I got a £5 for my trouble as well. However, the young lady in question was even more revealing "up close and personal"--or as near as we could all get that is ! Lot to be said for fashion in those days :D

6th Oct 2004, 20:00
But who was she? I thought that she was Julie Dawn Cole from the BBC's 'Angels' series, but I'm probably wrong....

Gorgeous little thing!

6th Oct 2004, 20:56
BEagle - down boy, down. You're like a dog on heat!

6th Oct 2004, 21:20
I just remember that revealing tight white cheesecloth top....

Nurse, quick, more bromide...

I bet Wholi' knows who she was though!