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View Full Version : Ladies at Dragon

Luddite 2.0
28th Sep 2004, 02:54
Further to the CX thread.

Are there female pilots at Dragon?

If not, why not?

404 Titan
28th Sep 2004, 06:08
Luddite 2.0

Further to my previous answer on CX. Yes they do. Infact they are even more pro-active than we are at CX in that they have a few female captains. If you have an application at CX and/or KA, it will be judged on its merit, not your gender. There are laws in Hong Kong that prohibit discrimination based on sex and the government does make examples of those that flout this law.

Luddite 2.0
28th Sep 2004, 07:57
Thanks mate.

I guess my question should have been more along the lines of "Are there anti-discrimination laws in Hong Kong that are enforced?"

28th Sep 2004, 10:07
404 Titan, one female Capt and one F/O is the total compliment of pilots in Ka at the present.
I hardly call that being more pro-active than CX.

404 Titan
28th Sep 2004, 10:48

If that is the case then I retract the pro-active bit. To be fair on KA though, CX in the whole scheme of things doesn’t get a lot of resumes from female pilots compared to the number from male pilots and for most, they aren’t suitably qualified.

1st Oct 2004, 07:32
Since the laws in Hong Kong prohibit employment preference based on gender, how did you expect that KA or CX should become pro-active in the employment of female pilots? Surely that would be an infringement of the statutes? :cool: