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View Full Version : PPL-CPL same test??

25th Sep 2004, 16:16
It looks to me like the PPH(H) is getting closer and closer to the CPL(H) test, other than the added recovery from unusual attitudes and climbing/descending under instruments and the height and speed Limits

Normal flight PPL +- 150 feet
CPL +- 100 feet

Heading PPL +- 10 degrees
CPL(H) +- 10 degrees

I feel that the overall standard of the candidates is improving however it is questionable that a Candidate with 45-65 hours can complete a PPL(H) skills test to the required standards as stated in the new standards document, 150 hours no problem. It is becoming increasingly difficult to motivate students into them completing their PPL in a reasonable hour requiremnt ..Maybe to cover the increase in expectations the authority should increse the hour minimas to obtain a PPL

25th Sep 2004, 16:30
Why have any hour requirement at all? Either you pass or you don't. The examiner should be able to tell how you're flying without relying on the amount of hours you have.