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View Full Version : What thread topic goes where? A short guide!

23rd Sep 2004, 07:25
You may have noticed a number of threads have been moved to other parts of D & G.

We've all got a bit lazy and getting subjects in innaproppriate forums.

Bear with us we have often have the same problem as you guys in deciding What thread topic goes where.:uhoh:

Well it's spring and the traditional time for a clean up. :cool:

What can you do to help us keep your house clean and tidy.:\

1. Take the time to read the Ten Thingies again and reset your "mental" posting defaults. :} You know what we mean.

2. D & G Reporting Points;

is not a dumping groound for every passing thought, we want to keep it clear for reporting and comment on new stuff and breaking rumour and news.. "Ansett, what made it a great airline" though germain and interesting does not qualify for there and perhaps should have gone straight to D & G Questions.

The other important point about that is that it keeps you moving around amongst the other Forums and you'll find things there you never imagined, although that is not the prime objective.

HM of you have had a cruise through the othe non D & G Forums, it's a wonderland of information views and new ideas out there. You might also find that the moderating here has been done with a fairly light rein. :ouch:

3. D & G Aircrew Notices;

Fairly self explanatory, we think most professional pilots understand what to put there and where to go.

4. D & G General Aviation;

Is exactly what it says, a Forum to discuss issues specific to General Aviation.
It is NOT intended as means to separate the biggies from the littlies, but save both ends and the middle for having to trawl through endless posts to find, interesting as they may be, that they are not relevant to them.
Most people are still using dial up at home and on the move, that is time wasted, frustrating and expensive. :{

5. D & G Questions;

Basically anything that either has a WHY directly in it or the implication of.

I say again;
Bear with us we have often have the same problem as you guys in deciding What thread topic goes where.:uhoh: but at least have a bit of a think before you rush into print. :ok:

As always your comments are welcome, but as usual we do reserve the right to make the rules. :E :)

Buster Hyman
23rd Sep 2004, 08:51
Shouldn't this thread be in D & G Questions ?

:} :p :ouch:

Boy am I gonna get it!!!

23rd Sep 2004, 09:21
Buster Hyman :} :ouch:

Thanks for that it's as good as done and the other forums as well, :ok: when I get a moment after a travel industry cocktail party. :)

Kaptin M
23rd Sep 2004, 09:49
Wwrrronggg, Buster!:*

It should be in D & G Aircrew Notices! :O
3. D & G Aircrew Notices;

Fairly self explanatory, we think most professional pilots (but NOT moderatorshttp://pprune.org/forums/images/icons/46.gif) understand what to put there and where to go.

Buster Hyman
23rd Sep 2004, 22:10
But the first part of the title is in the form of a question. The second part is, granted, a statement however the point of the thread is to inform the forum members.

Putting it in D & G Aircrew Notices would defeat the purpose for which the thread was created. Besides....
most professional pilots.....understand......where to go :}
Says it all really!!!!:} :} :ouch:

23rd Sep 2004, 22:21
Thats a short guide????????;)

Kaptin M
24th Sep 2004, 01:01
But it's a rhetorical question, Buster - even though the Big W has answered it him/her/itself. The "it" self isn't meant in an offensive sort of way, but with so many Woomeri, one envisages some sort of Hydra, a 7-headed-serpent http://www.bibleorigins.net/files/7headedserpentmace.JPG

Now the question now arises, has Woomera placed THIS thread on the WRONG Bulletin Board? :eek:
.......or has he/she/it (the Hydra) done it for the SAME reason other posters put their topics here? That reason being, because THIS forum receives the MAXIMUM exposure and the most amount of traffic.

And IF that is the case, then a further question needs to be asked,

"WHO moderates the moderators?":suspect: :E :}
http://pprune.org/forums/images/icons/46.gif http://pprune.org/forums/images/icons/46.gif http://pprune.org/forums/images/icons/46.gif http://pprune.org/forums/images/icons/46.gif http://pprune.org/forums/images/icons/46.gif

Buster Hyman
24th Sep 2004, 02:13
Well Kaptin, I must protest! I think the Woomeri do a sterling job :E & comparing them to a Hydra is anatomically incorrect. For starters, Hydras have no fingers to type with. This little Beastie...
is more likely as it has at least got some claws that could manipulate a keyboard...albeit a very large keyboard, but a keyboard nonetheless.

The wrong bulletin board you say! Perhaps, that started me wondering what other bulletin boards would a Woomera subscribe to? Dare I suggest some???:ugh:

24th Sep 2004, 04:00
Hmm well one looks like my mother in law the other like her daughter. :p

That reason being, because THIS forum receives the MAXIMUM exposure and the most amount of traffic.

Hereby disqualified as a circular argument, bit like some of the other ones around here.:{

The reason THIS forum receives maximum exposure is because everybody dumps here, it's a self fulfilling prophecy.

Now if you're not careful I'll give my mother in law and her daughter both your email addys and you can deal with them instead. :E Neither takes prisoners! ;)

Pinky the pilot
24th Sep 2004, 04:13
Something tells me that dear old Woomera has finally flipped his lid!....looks like my Mother-in-law the other like her daughter
My God, badmouthing the Mother-in-law is one thing; some would say that it's the accepted thing but also the Daughter???? (I assume you mean your nearest and dearest)
And how long have you had this death wish Woomera?:confused:

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Buster Hyman
24th Sep 2004, 05:10
Bring it on Big W! Send your M-i-L here! (http://prodtn.cafepress.com/3/1749803_F_tn.jpg) and ya Missus here! (http://www.cartoonstock.com/lowres/tda0084l.jpg)

24th Sep 2004, 16:03
Ooooo, M-I-L bashing!

Stand aside gentlemen.....................let me tell you a story or two :E

Capt Claret
25th Sep 2004, 03:49
A solution to the MIL problem is to marry a Walpiri (tribal lands centred roughly on Tanami desert/Lajamanu/Hooker Creek) woman.

As I understand it, a man is not permitted by tribal law, to have any contact with his Walpiri mother in law! :E

25th Sep 2004, 06:50
Nah was only joking rooly and truly, I love em both to bits. :ok:

Pinky mate it's OK really, ;) I just forgot my medication yesterday and my condition is expressed by a feeling of total invicibility, always being right, self hero worship legend in my own lunchbox sorta thing. I'm feeling much better today:}

25th Sep 2004, 08:15
Ah, yes, I knew it! The mighty W is now recovering from a night of excess... :p

Buster Hyman
25th Sep 2004, 08:20
Big W ... I really think you need to....

reset your "mental" posting defaults! ;)

Pinky the pilot
25th Sep 2004, 08:47
Wot's this???? The big W out on a night of general debauchery!! Cigarettes, whiskey and wild, wild women..... (would make a great song title...:D )
I find that scenario a bit hard to imagine!;)

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Kaptin M
25th Sep 2004, 21:30
Well with Jerricho here it seems that THIS thread really is in the wrong forum!

It should be in JET BLAST :}

Jerrichos MIL
25th Sep 2004, 22:40
Oh deary me, has he gotten out again? My darling daughter must be sick with worry. :{ He gets that way when he hides his pills under the aspidistra. It's such a chore to keep track of him.
Mind you, when he does take them he's a proper little lamb.

Come along now Jerricho, no more of your foolishness, back to Jetblast where the nice people don't mind you a bit.

.... everything under control Kaptin :ok:

26th Sep 2004, 21:03
Umm! this is a short guide, right;)

So where have the "10 thingy's" gone. :confused:

Guidance please. :hmm:

tipsy :suspect:

Jenna Talia
27th Sep 2004, 02:20
What happened to the previous ten thingies thread?

27th Sep 2004, 02:54
A case of that well known aviation malaise "finger trouble".:O

And no, we wont have a rerun of the discussion there. :ok:

Gateway Customer
27th Sep 2004, 03:46
Big Woohola,

Another question for your fingers, How many Moderators are there who are "woomera". Are there certain shifts you all do?

I hope this is not a personal question as you may feel Womeri says it all?

Can you leap tall buildings with a single bound?


27th Sep 2004, 07:02
We all have ten fingers except one and we have sent a DNA sample to the lab for testing. It might just be the particular beverage of which he is is fond tho.:\

How Many? sometimes too, sometimes not enough.:p

Whether we would wish to get personal with you, would of course depend on your gender, physical and other attrubutes,:suspect: a photo of your boat would increase your chances no end.:E

Womeri (sic) yes, well we have been meaning to clear this up for some time, unless my ever fragile memory fails me once again the Latin declension of Woomera, should have us as Woomeri plural and Woomerus singular. Can any of those more learned on this issue help us out. I we are as usual confused. :eek:

And if you think that we would be so stupid as to go around with our underpants outside our tights and wearing a silly cape without taking our medication first you've got another thing coming, or is it that a powerful speeding locomotive.:uhoh:

We are also Dell prefered customers, which is why we are having trouble deciphering your Gateway stuff. :ouch: :)

7th Nov 2004, 23:23
Back to the head of the list for the benefit of the masses.........
