View Full Version : Who is the best/worst celebrity to have on board?

20th Sep 2004, 20:00
Thought it might be interesting to see if any names crop up regularly as the biggest a$$holes from the wealthier and more well known members of the general public. Furthermore, who are those individuals who manage to combine fame with normality? Who deserves to be adored by their 'inflight servants' and who should be barred from coming within 100 miles of a commercial aircraft?

From my point of view Colin Farrell should be barred from ALL public places after a nasty incident whilst in a hotel in marrakech. Myself and crew were sat down beside the pool when the man himself, Colin 'Flasher' Farrell walked out of the hotel and proceeded to flash his bits in our general direction. After that, I didnt fancy eating the nuts that was to have been my dinner!

On the other hand, Teddy Sheringham was on a flight last year and sat down (in economy) beside two star-struck late-teenage guys. Having spotted their awe, he introduced himself and proceeded to talk football with them for the entire two hour flight. Humility at its best, if only the rest were the same...

So come on, we've all had so called celebs on board, lets hear more nice/nightmarish stories......


20th Sep 2004, 20:17
By far the biggest prima donna Ever encountered has to be Elle Macpherson."The Body" insists on being spoken to in French and in a recent little hissy fit was upset because the free first class pyjamas provided weren`t available in the colour she wanted.
On the other hand actor/director Mel Gibson has to be the nicest.Sometimes he can`t sleep and parks himself in the P class galley for a chat and an exchange of jokes.A thorough gentleman.

20th Sep 2004, 20:20
Any celebrity who thinks they are a celebrity is one too many, in my humble opinion.

They may be famous, but that makes them no more special than my/your Gran. A thankfully small number come under the heading "Don't you know who I am, give me a free upgrade/etc"

Many years ago I met Roger Whitaker (a Radio 2 crooner of the day) - he was at the peak of his success, and delightfull. I was 18 and more into the Stranglers - but he was happy to sign autographs for the ladies serving in the Stansted canteen (it was an old Nissen Hut, seriously).

20th Sep 2004, 20:49
Nicest believe it or not was the rocker Alice Cooper. WORST - Betty Ford - President Fords wife.

20th Sep 2004, 21:17
Worst for me was agony aunt Claire Raynor!

and the best ...WET WET WET, Victoria Wood and the travel lady herself Judith Chalmers..Fab!:ok:

21st Sep 2004, 06:55
Have to disagree about Elle MacPherson - I have had her on several flights and she was as quiet as a church mouse. Though admittedly, no pyjamas were offered and I don't speak a word of French. She did drink French champagne though, does that count?


Best celebrity would definitely be Tom Jones. He's a sweetheart and a really nice guy. Shame his entourage weren't as nice.

Kylie Minogue was also a sweetie. Signed autographs and had photos taken with the kids that were on board and was very gracious and polite.


21st Sep 2004, 07:48
I agree with mach2male.. I had Mel Gibson on my flight many moons ago when he was commuting to his country farm in Oz... he was delightful & the lucky female pax he was sitting next to, chatting & sharing cigs with, just floated off the A/C in a wonderful daze when she disembarked.

21st Sep 2004, 07:51
My Dad always raved about Ayrton Senna being the best passenger he ever had.

He got on, asked for a glass of water and slept all the way back to Rio.

Model passenger.

21st Sep 2004, 08:48
Flew down from ABN to LHR with Freddy Star onboard. Hate him as a TV star, but he could not have been nicer with the passengers. Never thought Freddy Star and the word Gentleman could go together.

21st Sep 2004, 09:08
A while back we flew Kylie Minogue on a BizJet and when she left she signed autographs for the crew and gave them all a copy of her latest album!!!

peanut pusher
22nd Sep 2004, 05:37
No 1 good guy and nice person = Pat Rafter, and great tennis player

Worst = Danny "dish pig" Minogue, dirty little bitch who will never be her sisters equal

Misunderstood = Mr Marshall Mathers M&M, after chatting with him for 40 minutes during the flight from SYD to MEL, (very light load) I think he has 2 personality's 1 real 1 and a hard core rapper that makes millions talking trash, opion great guy who is alot smarter than most would think

22nd Sep 2004, 09:26
We had Mother Teresa on flight Milan-New York in 1995.
need I say we upgraded her to business/first.
quiet as a mouse... Bless.

Julia Roberts business/first same route and year, asked for water.
gave her a lg bottle... not a peep.

:} :} :} nice smile!

Desert Nomad
22nd Sep 2004, 09:36
A month or so ago was on a flight with Timothy Dalton. What a miserable tw@t. Grumpy, unsociable, couple of PAX asked for an autograph and begrudginly gave it to them. He was travelling economy though on LHR/LAX so the film world have obviously realised he can't act.

Edited as I put the wrong one in the post.

Rabid Dog
22nd Sep 2004, 16:58
Best: Kylie Minogue, Paul Keating (!!!). Jimmy Barnes was pretty nice.
Worst - Hazel Hawke (ex-PM's wife) - a right nasty bitch. Aerosmith - a group of precious has-beens - refused to talk to punters, sign autographs etc. Actually requested a crewmember to stand at the F/Y bulkhead to ensure that no-one would walk past them
I've also heard the same stories about Elle McP.

22nd Sep 2004, 17:49
Eddie Izzard was a great passenger, very polite, very funny and very interested in aviation. Oh yeah, and he was wearing the most FM FM boots I have ever seen, and an enormous pair of comedy knockers!

22nd Sep 2004, 20:39
Liz hurley was really nice on a flight from JFK to LHR as were Ant and Dec on the way back from OZ after filming I'm a celebrity !

23rd Sep 2004, 12:00
Interesting - a mate had the seat next to Aryton Senna on an overnight flight and they chatted for hours. Said he was a really pleasant and interesting guy. His kid was furious because he didn't get an autograph, but dad said that would have spoilt it.

srs what?
23rd Sep 2004, 12:14
Eddie Izzard was a great passenger, very polite, very funny and very interested in aviation.

And he now has a PPL.

23rd Sep 2004, 12:15
last year we had the AJAX (dutch) football team on they thought they were gods gift, however as im not into football and neither were the crew we thought it was actuaslly AJAX as in the cleaning materials company, altho one of them did sign a autograph for a girl, inbetween the grunts for drinks, then for pure delight i had to do the flight back to AMS with them all the pax thought it was fab, shame we werent star struck

also this year have had anthony warrel thomson on a flight, he got on smiled said his hello he had a G&T and then fell asleep so he was nice.

Another crew of ours had atomic kitten on and also ronan keating both were said to be polite n friendly, so as far to say all encouters ive had with any celeb have been pretty much ok

Flip Flop Flyer
23rd Sep 2004, 15:05
Only celeb I've had onboard was a rather unwilling individual - 4 people had to almost pull/push him onboard. Enroute he was kicking quite a lot, making funny noises, was not at all pleased with the catering and proceeded to crap all over the place. Someone paid him 500K Euro for a single performance at the German Grand Prix, and we got to fly him back and forth on a charter.

Ah well, when you're a GBP 10M race horse called Mahmoud, is worth more than the aeroplane, and is employed by the Gadolphin stable, I suppose most things go. At least he didn't kick me, the smelly bastard.

23rd Sep 2004, 22:15
Most embarressed Kylie Minogue when security removed fluff pink handcuffs from her at security gate search!


:) :)

Thunderball 2
23rd Sep 2004, 23:44
...so that's where they went. Lucky I had mine with me back at the hotel, although she was unhappy with the colour.:O

London Jets
25th Sep 2004, 15:32
I had had the pleasure of flying a whole host of well known people all around the world, from Kevin Keegan to Jo Brand, from Jerry Springer to Naomi Campbell and from Neil Morrisey to David Blunkett to name a few. But to narrow it down a bit I think the best and worst are as follows....

Best PAX: When I was working for AML, we took rocker Bryan Adams from London to Jamaica and he was really pleasant, happy to chat to all the crew and passengers and it didn't bother him. A very funny guy and an all round decent bloke.

Worst PAX: Has to be airline owner and Formula 0.00001 team Minardi owner Paul Stoddart in my days at EAAC - about a week befroe it all came to an abrupt end, I was on the flight from Kuala Lumpur back to Bournemouth. The guy had a serious attitude problem, only spoke to a selected few favourate people and smoked all the way back. Not a pleasant experience.


gallie girl
26th Sep 2004, 12:09
'Rabid dog' i have to agree with you, Hazel Hawke.. yeah she was right out there.. knarcky old girl.. her PA did all the talking she couldn't even say thank you he had to do it for her.. (I didn't have any milk on that flight.. caterers forgot it and she wasn't happy!!)

All round Mr nice guy.. the muso himself Ben Harper.. gave crew CD's and autographed them for us.

Also famous Australian artist Pro Hart.. a regular on the Broken Hill - SYD leg.. always giving out original little paintings to the flighties, or if he really likes you, he will draw a comical picture of you (usually involves the flightie hanging off the tail of the a/c)

And finally...drum roll... another Aussie polly.. Pauline 'pantsdown' Hanson.. really really nice.. had one mintie and a glass of water in two hours and nodded off to sleep in her K-Mart attire.. God love her!!

28th Sep 2004, 17:51
I had Sir Cliff Richard recently to Barbados...

Very nice chap and very chatty to all the crew. I believe the CSD even got an invite up the Cliffs barbados palace but unfortunately it was the night we were do to return!!!

28th Sep 2004, 18:20
A while back we flew Kylie Minogue on a BizJet and when she left she signed autographs for the crew and gave them all a copy of her latest album!!!

Well I guess if she couldn't sell them thats ok :-)

28th Sep 2004, 18:28
Great thread guys and gals. Please keep 'em coming.

I know, I'm a little sad like that.

Ckin Gal
2nd Oct 2004, 10:29
hi i was in our baggage hall when Rachel Stevens came off a BA flt she pushed her own trolley and stood quietly at t belt waiting for her bags.

Here you can't go through security unless you have a pass for the exec lounges or are accompanied by a staff member until the flt is called.

I met mcfly at the security desk as they were trying to go through. Security obvisously said no due flt not called. instead of saying ok the managers got our exec passes they kicked off and made a lot of noise until the manager came over and shouted that they had the passes. You's think that if they're old enough to have their boarding passes they'd be allowed hold their own exec passes. Not nice people really felt for the security guy.b

2nd Oct 2004, 16:13
I haven't had any bad or rude celebrities yet, they have just been all ok, but Eamon Holmes (gmtv) was really nice and polite as was Denise van Outen!

3rd Oct 2004, 12:18
I recently had Henry Cooper on a domestic (what a lovely huge man he is!Pax were impressed by his humour and corteous manners!) and John Lynch coming back from Dublin. Very quiet but lovely guy.

When I was at AMM/FCA the only "famous" guy I met was someone who played an Italian character in EastEnders (which I don't watch). Time for drinks, he asked for a double G&T and I asked money for it-He got really angry..."Do I really have to pay? Don't you know who I am?!"
No, Mister, I don't!

Best time ever when I was in AirEurope Italy flying in style to very expensive destinations like Japan, Maldives....It was very common to have TV presenters, singers and football players...
I will never forget Roberto Baggio's charm and Pippo Inzaghi's friend who was travelling with him: really ugly!!!

Worst one must be Jordan. She always tries to impress ground agents with her big boobs to get an upgrade at check-in/boarding gate. Now, BA don't upgrade staff who wear trainers, imagine somebody with her "goods" on display!!!!


3rd Oct 2004, 14:40
When Princess Margaret was with Roddy Llewellyn back in the 70's and commuting back and forth to Barbados she was a right old cow. No one could get near her unless they had a bottle of gin!! I don't think I have ever served such a nasty person in 20+ years of flying.

Prince Charles is a charming person - comes and chats in the galley when he can't sleep and always thanks the crew personally for the service.

Earl Mountbatten was a real gentleman - a pleasure to serve and look after especially on long night sectors.

Richard Burton & Liz Taylor were absolutly charming and no bother at all - they had just got back together again and only had eyes for each other on that JNB-NBO sector!!

5th Oct 2004, 15:12
The most VILE celeb I ever had the misfortune to come across was Sheena Easton - what a jumped up, rude, arrogant nobody!!

7th Oct 2004, 23:17
Far two much make up, looks like she's been punched! Maybe she has with such a stinking attitude... :suspect:

7th Oct 2004, 23:38
On a flight to BEY few years ago, I was working up front and Shirley Bassey got on, of course I was pleasant to her and she just handed out her fur coat to me to hang it up for her without saying a word. I nearly very accidently trod on it in the galley:E

John Altman (ex Nick Cotton-Eastenders) was on a flight to GLA trying to lord it about telling me how wonderful Barbados was (which it is). I had great pleasure in telling him that actually my parents were from there so I already knew! He just kept wandering up and down the aircraft trying to make himself noticed - shame! I've had Gary Linekar, Hugh Grant and Michael Palin on flights, all very nice.

8th Oct 2004, 10:00
I was going home for a few days from DXB-MAN and noticed Cricketing Legend Sir Clive Lloyd sitting a couple of rows ahead of me. As a colleague of mine is a HUGE cricket fan and fellow West Indian I thought it would be nice to get Sir Clive's autograph for him.

I approached him and we engaged in Cricket chit-chat and he is a very nice, quiet and unassuming guy. After about 30 mins of chat I broached the question of an autograph for a colleague and he obliged. When I gave him the name he should address the message to, his eyes twinkled and he broke into a huge grin. He had only been dropped off at DXB by my colleague and were in fact lifelong friends.

I felt a bit of a prat and returned to my seat.

With my previous company Coronation Street's Sally Webster came to the Flight Deck on a flight down to the Caribbean. She was lovely.


8th Oct 2004, 23:03
It's funny, John Altman was on one of my flights once and I found him to be really nice! We recently carried David Neilson who plays Coronation Street's Roy Cropper and the poor bloke didn't get a moments peace from the passengers!

(I realise they're not really 'celebrities' in the true sense of the word but they've got to be amongst the most recognised people in the UK)

9th Oct 2004, 16:44
I soooo wanna know if anyone has had Heiress Paris Hilton? Or Catherine Zeta Jones?


9th Oct 2004, 16:53
<<I soooo wanna know if anyone has had Heiress Paris Hilton? Or Catherine Zeta Jones?>>

Metaphorically speaking of course?

10th Oct 2004, 03:43
I had music legend George Benson onboard the other day, he was nice enough!

10th Oct 2004, 21:36
Cornelia Frances (weakest link woman)

Ha ha that show was great! I have the funniest visuals:

F/A: "I am terribly sorry miss, but your choice in meal is no longer available"

Cornelia: "What? Its clear that you need more training in the kitchen then dont you! You are the weakest link - GoodBye!!!" and she tries to open the cabin door in a useless attempt to get you sucked out..


13th Oct 2004, 00:19
Cornelia Frances - didn't she used to be in Sons and Daughters? Looks a bit like Anne Robinson as well...I'm not a cabin crew but I have to agree with previous comments about Dannii Minogue. She shoved past me in the immigration queue at EWR once the impatient sod! Not very talkative either. Liked Engelbert Humperdinck though, at least he said hello! :O

14th Oct 2004, 06:38
When i worked for my previous airline ( a LCC ) i had the pleasure of cilla black, david genola, hollyoaks cast, lord litchfieils, patrick moore, anne charleston ( madge from neighbours) Julian clarey, lulu, faye ripley, nasty nick, Tom & claire from Big brother, Lisa and phil from eastenders, Trisha, Zara philips, kevin bacon, Greg ruseski, bepe from eastenders, kirsty allsop, gary lucy, gail from corrie, bec callard, janet street porter to name only a few!!!!! They only fly with the best!!

14th Oct 2004, 10:42
Just out of interest, which LCC was this.

14th Oct 2004, 15:36
and another question, why were they flying with a low cost airline anyway the stingy buggers! hahaha