View Full Version : Pyracy licence conversions Arrrrrrrr

Corky Plungeduster
17th Sep 2004, 13:57
Ahoy there me hearties, Aye be Captain Corky Plungeduster O' the good ship Rogerbowman. Well me Landlubbing friends aye be after a wee bit O' advice for sure. Me and me shipmates ave been trawlin the oggin for many a year on pillagin an a plunderin work, Pyracy to you all. Well ayve have had enough O' it now, me and the boys and ay av been thinkin a wendin me pyracy licence over to a JAR un. Ayve bin Type Rated on the Skiff, the whaler and the Barbary Corsair, a fine ship with 20 shiney fifty pounders.


Its time to hang up me cutlass and me pistols an convert me licence to take to the skies O' the big blue in the sky. Pyracy aint what it used to be, we got Bilge Rats out there payin for their own Pyracy rating an even paying to their first job with a Pyracy company. An these boys av ardly got any pyracy experience maybe only 250 pillage an plunderin raids to their names! Arrrrr it aint as glamourous as it was once shipmates.

Time for change me thinks afore I end up in Davy Jones locker Arrrrr. Any advices on ow to change me pillagin licence to n ATPL would be greatly appreciated me hearties.

Any hows, mes hankerin to splice the main brace an av a tot O' the old grog..grab sum wenches..an get sloshed with me shipmates..


17th Sep 2004, 14:23
Good luck with your conversions Corky, I just hope you can get your Class 1 Medical with a wooden leg a hook for a hand and 1 eye!

17th Sep 2004, 15:44
2 days early *tsk*


Old King Coal
18th Sep 2004, 08:51
See: International Talk Like A Pirate Day - September 19th (http://www.thomasscott.net/yarr/).... Arrrr !

Cabotage Kid
18th Sep 2004, 09:59
Now then me young scallies. Whys we always talking in the present tense. Arrr, me 'arties! Personally speaking of myself - arrr - I prefers me cabotage. More in the ways of thar dubloons.

Aye...errm...I mean - Yarr!

Captain Ratpup
18th Sep 2004, 21:20
Avast, ye sea dogs!

Arrr! Much talk o' the weary schooner ratin' there's a-been. Lily-livered land-lubbers being pressganged for two an' twenty pieces o' eight for the A320 galleon, 'ave I 'eard! That be a grand, marrrrvelous ship, she be, arrr!

An' the booty not be promisin' for the first few years, me mateys. Many a long voyage teachin' young scallywags the ropes on the 152 rowin' boat, me fears.

Seeing you scallywags on the unforgiving seas, I'll be!


(that's Cap'n to you swashbucklin' wenches!)