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View Full Version : FAA Medical - a better route?

Vee One...Rotate
17th Sep 2004, 11:35

Firstly, I've frequented these forums for quite awhile now and have done the requisite search but couldn't find anything definitive/completely analogous to my situation...although there were hints on what the answer might be!

I fall within the CAA's Class I renewal standards for eyesight but (just) fall outside the initial standards. As it stands, and I have been in contact with the CAA, I can get a PPL and then I'll be examined to these renewal standards (I already have a Class 2) and, assuming everything goes well, I'll get a Class I (Deviation)...this will become a bog-standard Class I once my CPL/IR traiining is completed. So this is what I've been starting to do since leaving uni.

However, I'm not sure if there's not a better way of doing this after browsing the these forums. If I went over to the US (with no kind of flying licence) and successfully obtained an FAA Class I, then came back over to the UK, would the CAA, in your opinion, allow me to be examined to renewal standards (thereby hopefully issuing me with a Class I right there and saving me the cost of a PPL...I want to do an integrated course you see...I'm fully aware of the pros and cons of this type of course so let's not go there...!)?

I have a STRONG suspicion that the answer is no and that I'd need a flying licence (probably a CPL/IR) to have the luxury of the renewal standards...

Of course, I realise the final decision rests with the CAA but, in your experience, what's your opinion?

Just wanted to feel people out.


V1R :ok:

Lionel Hutz
17th Sep 2004, 14:56
If you are going to get an FAA medical you do not need to travel to the US

follow this link


He can give you a first class medical.

18th Sep 2004, 06:06
I don't know whether they would grant you the privilege of being gauged by the renewal standards by 'just' having a medical from another authority.

I suspect not but you can of course ask.

There is a list of FAA AMEs on the FAA website (http://ame.cami.jccbi.gov/search.asp?search=country)

Best of luck


Vee One...Rotate
18th Sep 2004, 16:22
My suspicions exactly. Obviously, logically, it would make no sense to not allow me to be assessed to renewal standards as I stand but, if I got an FAA certificate tomorrow, grant me the privelage. Of course, certifiying bodies (esp. in aviation!) can work in mysterious ways so I thought I'd enquire...you never know where an illogical loophole may lie...! ;) If I was the CAA, I wouldn't grant me the privelage!

It'll be more character-building to do a PPL before jumping straight into a full-time course anyway :)

I may check with the CAA but my original thinking was along the same lines as expressed here.

Thanks for the input.

Happy landings,


18th Sep 2004, 19:15
Hi V1-rotate,
I'm very much like yourself.My right failed the intial Class 1 standards.Already holding my PPL they CAA did offer the "deviation" rule/allowance.So I have since been over,and thankfully PASSED my Class 1 with a deviation which like you mentioned will become a full medical once my training is complete.

What happens is youll go to Gatwick like everyone else and will have an "Eyes first" examination.If the optician feels he cannot give you the deviation to the Class 1 then you are only liable for the eye exam rather than the full whack £422!!:ugh: I went through this process with seeing the optician a Mr.Chorley.He'll tell you there and then and should he see fit to allow a deviation you then go on to carryout the rest of the medical.

Anything else just ask,Best of luck,was in your shoes so know how it feels

Regards Gavin

Vee One...Rotate
18th Sep 2004, 19:20

EGAC_Ramper, please check your PMs.


19th Sep 2004, 19:11
Hi there V1,

I am in the same situation as yourself and was also offered the deviaion route, but unfortunately I didn't have the requisite 3 years of opticians reports the CAA requests in order to establish the stability of your eyesight, so I would have had to wait 3 years before I could even embark on that route. I decided to go the FAA/ICAO route - got my JAR PPL in florida, and am currently in canada doing their ICAO CPL/MEIR. When I obtain this and return the UK, I will be assessed on an extended renewal basis because I hold a foreign CPL. On this basis I should be issued with a JAR Class1. As far as I understand it, having fought for my medical for nearly a year now, if you hold a foreign CPL, you go to gatwick and undergo the renewal exam.

Best of luck with it, and don't give up !


Vee One...Rotate
19th Sep 2004, 21:22
Thanks for all of the replies. It's a PPL in the UK for me first.

Also, best of luck to you divorcingjack and EGAC_Ramper :ok: