View Full Version : Cpl Distance Learning And Exams

17th Sep 2004, 02:11
I am the holder of a Canadian Commercial licence and Instructors
rating. I am thinking of completing the CPL studies by distance learning with GTS of Bournemouth.
Can anyone please advise on how difficult these exams are and what hours that I will need to put in each night for study?
It is my intention to Instruct in the UK during the Summer months.

17th Sep 2004, 07:29
Difficult compared to what? I have just started with GTS and their material is very good, but I have little to compare the course with. I probably do 1.5 to 2 hours daily on average. Certainly the met seems far easier than it is. There is alot of information to take in. I am expecting the lot to take me into next summer, what with family and work committments. You have three modules with a 4 or 5 day revision course at the end of each and then the exams.