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View Full Version : what hardware do i need to convert my VHS tapes to DVDs??

green dinosaur
14th Sep 2004, 17:27
Bit clueless, can some please spell out to me what I need, other than a VHS player, PC and DVD-re writer in order that I can convert all my VHS tapes into DVD format using a PC.

can anyone name any good pieces of hardware for this purpose


14th Sep 2004, 18:00
If only it was as easy as that!;)

You would need something to capture the video from your vcr to your pc. Pinnacle (http://www.pinnaclesys.com/listproducts_n.asp?Langue_ID=2) do this. As do others.

Software for capturing, editing and rendering, again Pinnacle do this so do others like ulead.

You'd need a fairly decent CPU, Memory and Hard drive, as rendering can take quite a while and uses lots of hard drive space.

There are several other threads on here somewhere on this type of topic just do a search and you should find them.

other links http://www.videoguys.com/ http://www.computervideo.net/ http://www.simplydv.co.uk/ www.mikeshaw.co.uk (http://www.mikeshaw.co.uk/index.htm)
dvdrhelp.com (www.dvdrhelp.com)

edit: just seen there is an article in the oct issue of personal computer world on this subject, in depth on how to etc....