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View Full Version : Norton AV 2004 - Update Warnings

13th Sep 2004, 05:51
Started a couple of days ago, all user accounts (5) on this PC now get the "virus definitions out of date" even though they are (were) at the latest version provided using Liveupdate.

I checked the Symantec site and discovered their "Intellgent Update" which has the definitions updated every day, as opposed to weekly for Liveupdate. Loaded the one with yesterday's date (12 Sept) and even though it reconises the new defs, it STILL gives me the "out of date" warning.

Can't find anything on the Symantec site that indicates they might know of this issue.

Anyone else having this problem?

I'll sart a full scan running before I head off to work and see if that picks up anything - let you know if it does.


13th Sep 2004, 07:53
ST: Have you checked your update notification (out of date ) setting?

ie: Is it set to a shorter time period than you originally had?

13th Sep 2004, 09:38
OK - time to admit that I'm turning into a totally unobservant old bloke.

Spent ages prowling various forums that seemed to offer a nugget of help but ended up none the wiser. About that same "none the wiser" time I had the mouse pointer over the clock at bottom left of screen and noticed that the date was ... 20 November 2004 !!! Silly old bugger! :uhoh:

No idea who did that (five accounts on same PC), but it made for an interesting few days.

Thanks for the help anyway.:ok: