View Full Version : MS Outlook AutoPreview

13th Sep 2004, 05:48
G'day All

I have a small problem with Microsoft Outlook 2002 SP3. It came as part of Microsoft Office XP Pro. No matter how many times I turn off AutoPreview in the inbox it defaults back to being on. (not the bottom viewing pane, but the first few lines of the message are displayed in the top pane directly below the message details) I also have MS Outlook Express 6 installed as I understand it is required for Outlook to work.

Is there a registry entry I could edit to stop this annoying problem. I believe it may be a security issue to auto preview messages and I receive shiploads of spam and unsolicited mail.

Two Dogs

13th Sep 2004, 13:24
I don't think you NEED to have Outlook Express installed to make Outlook work. But as it's auto-installed with Internet Explorer you can just leave it sitting there unused - it won't do any harm.

Re the preview in Outlook:-

To turn it on from the menu, click: View|Current view|Messages with preview

To turn it off click: View|Current view|Messages

Repeatedly clicking "Messages with preview" in the flyout submenu does not toggle preview on and off, it has to be turned off by clicking "Messages".

Re the shiploads of spam:

Does your ISP offer filtering at the server? Many do, but not all. If so, switch it on. You may have to ask their helpdesk if you can't find the facility yourself.

An excellent spam filter is Mailwasher. Find it here (http://www.firetrust.com/products/pro) or here (http://www.mailwasher.net).

I use both - Mailwasher on my PC because the ISP filtering, though good, is conservative, presumably to prevent false positives, so some slips through. Mailwasher allows you to screen your email and dump the junk BEFORE you download it. The bee's knees, I reckon.

Hope this helps


14th Sep 2004, 23:18
Two_dogs, was that any help re the preview, or had you already figured it?


15th Sep 2004, 18:36
Sorry, been busy.

Actually, no. The problem is not with the preview pane, but the AotoPreview. The AutoPreview shows the first three lines of text in the message, directly below the message entry itself.

I seem to have it sorted now anyway, thanks.

Two Dogs

15th Sep 2004, 22:52
Yeah, I knew you were referring to AUTO-preview, just didn't write my reply that way - sorry for the confusion. I tested what I wrote on my Outlook and it seemed to do what you were after - turn those few lines for each message off and on. Anyway, glad you're all fixed up now.