View Full Version : Joke on Muscat Control

9th Sep 2004, 07:03
Whoever was telling the joke on Muscat control frequency last night about 11:00 pm local can you please finish the joke. You stopped transmitting right at the punch line. It probably is best that your hand let go of the push to talk switch at the punch line as I had a feeling it was going to be quite dirty. :eek:

The Omani controller wouldn't have been very amused but my F.O. and I were already cracking up, more at the stupidity of someone who wouldn't know their hand was on the push to talk switch than the joke itself :rolleyes: :=


12th Sep 2004, 14:12
Tell the beginning and maybe someone else have heard it before and can finish it for you...

13th Sep 2004, 13:11
......................then the Donkey wiped it of the window.

14th Sep 2004, 14:10
Was that the punchline?

Now I'm very intrigued about the build-up..
