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View Full Version : Wireless connection problems again.

Honest Fr@nk
8th Sep 2004, 14:30
Just got myself a netgear wireless router to work with my NTL broadband on my PC. Set that up ok ( I think). Had previously a linksys wireless g adaptor for my laptop. That works ok when i'm out and about.

When at home though the laptop tells me there is a wireless network available but when I go to connect it says "cannot find server". Is there a security feature somewhere i'm not looking at. I have looked at previous threads on this but it needs to be plain English not computer babble.

Cheers folks

Naples Air Center, Inc.
8th Sep 2004, 16:43
Honest Fr@nk,

First connect your Notebook via a CAT-5 Cable to the Router. Then go in and make sure you have both the Wired and Wireless sides of the Router configured to the specs of your ISP.

Take Care,


9th Sep 2004, 17:38
Sounds like your laptop is set for DHCP and the router is not, or the other way round. Use a cable to log onto the router. Address usually Just put this into the address line of internet explorer. A log on box should appear asking for a user name and password. These by default are Admin and password. Once you are into the router setup you will be able to check all settings. If you have anymore problems drop me a line.


Naples Air Center, Inc.
9th Sep 2004, 19:18

If the Router is set for a DHCP Server and the Notebook is not, it will still work. (As long as it is in the same IP Range as the DHCP Server.)

Take Care,


9th Sep 2004, 20:00
AHA Maybe they are not set the same


Honest Fr@nk
21st Sep 2004, 17:00
Finally got it up and running.

As soon as I turned the wireless transmitter and receiver off that I use to send a television signal upstairs (from TV to TV) it started to work. Maybe too many wireless signals floating about. I just dont know but it works now. Maybe someone could enlighten me.

Thanks for your help guys.

21st Sep 2004, 17:30
Could have been a couple of things....

Your "too many wireless signals" thought is one distinct possibility because it depends on what the spec of the tv-tv device was. It could be that it was simply swamping the wireless PC stuff either with a greater signal strength or simply the volume of data it was sending on the available channels.

Another is hinted at in Mike's first post where he says the address needs to be ste. You might have had two pieces of equipment with the same address set. Bound to lead to confused PCs that! :ouch:

Anyway, nice to see you've got a result. Shame about the telly though ...:(


Naples Air Center, Inc.
22nd Sep 2004, 03:57
Honest Fr@nk,

Glad to hear you found the cause of the problem. :ok:

Take Care,
