View Full Version : PAX Movements on Specific Routes

7th Sep 2004, 11:09

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right dirction to find passenger movements along specific international routes.

Example: pax movements on SYD - LAX flights.

Also is there any way to gauge passenger numbers on routes which need connecting flights?

Example: passenger movements MEL - LHR



7th Sep 2004, 16:48

For routes touching the UK, you'll get the passenger numbers from the CAA stats here (http://www.caa.co.uk/erg/erg_stats/sgl.asp?sglid=3) .

Limitations: only routes involving the UK, and only direct routes, not connecting traffic.

For European routes, something like this (http://www.worldpax.com/) - albeit a commercial product which will cost you - would do the job.

I suspect that for routes touching the US there may be some useful FAA data publicly available - doubtless someone knowledgeable will enlighten us.

As for international passenger flows involving connecting flights, this is much tougher (at least outside the US). Airlines tend to get that information from MIDT (data from GDS bookings) which is obscenely expensive. Another approach would be to look at passenger surveys conducted by individual airports which often provide a reasonable estimate of numbers.

Sorry I can't help more.


7th Sep 2004, 18:31
http://www.transtats.bts.gov/ for US data.