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View Full Version : Helicopter or fixed wing

31st Aug 2004, 06:53
G'day, in the not to distant future I will be selling my house to finance my CPL. For as long as can remember I have wanted to fly helicopters so haveing a very bias point of veiw on aviation I hadent realy ever entertained the thought of fixed wing, untill recently. In the past 18 months or so I have been doing my home work and speeking with as many pilots here in Australia willing to give me their time, many of the pilots rotor wing and few fixed wing which has opend my eyes a little wider.I know sit on the crossroad of not knowing what industry I wont to persue, helicopters or fixed wing with airlines in mind.If any one has been down the same road it would be realy appreciated if you could shed a little light on it for me.

31st Aug 2004, 19:09
If you're selling your house to finance your CPL and you aren't sure as to which route, fixed or rotor, you want to follow I think you should really consider your career in aviation all together.

Not meant to sound harsh but most Pilots are Pilots because they enjoy flying not necessarily for salary, although it does provide quite nicely to some but if you're just starting out, I'd hardly expect any substantial paychecks anytime soon.

Comparing the two is pretty difficult. I've got some rotor time and can tell you that it's basically apples and oranges. My advice, keep with what you enjoy the most and that's what you'll be most successful with.

Best of Luck...


Check your spelling if you're planning on sending off any CV's.

2nd Sep 2004, 01:42
yyzdub thanks for your replie mate, Im not looking at fixed wing with the hope of being more profertable but rather just not shutting any doors to other posibilities in the aviation industry. I have had a passion for flying and aircraft for years now and have spent the last couple jumping out of them and know I want to start landing them insted. I can appreiciate what you said about apples and oranges, I have had a cople of lessons in both and loved both. As meny people know it is hard to make a clear decision on a industry you know very little about. And you are right, do what you enjoy. Thanks for your time mate.