View Full Version : American Pilot in Italy

30th Aug 2004, 17:20
How hard is it for an American to get a job flying in IT? What rating would I have to get before applying?

I'd love to get a job flying at Volare (despite what some say about it). I have a friend that is a Flt Attn. with them and say they do have American pilots.


tarjet fixated
30th Aug 2004, 18:02
what you need to work here (and when i say here i mean the whole of the EU)is an EU passport (or work permit...meaning you have to marry an EU citizen) and a JAR licence if you wanna work as a pilot.
The latter you can get also in the US in some schools that offer JAR courses...as for the first...well if your friend at VLE is a good looking F/A work on it!!

30th Aug 2004, 19:28
Thanks Tarjet....well she is very good looking but I don't think I will push that part of things yet :)~ Thanks for your help

2nd Sep 2004, 12:35
Volare doesnt have any american pilot, and without a A320 rating it will be very difficult to get in there.

You should start working on one of the instructors or other important pilot there, and work on the F/As later.