View Full Version : Stanbroke

30th Aug 2004, 08:32
Just compleated my CPL and are looking at sending an application into Stanbroke Pastoral Company. Wondering if anybody could give me some insight into the company, where based, hours, wages etc.

Thanks for any info.

30th Aug 2004, 09:57

Sorry to break this mate:

But the Stanbroke as we all used to know it is no-mo.

AMP sold the group about a year ago to a property speculation group.

Since then - Stanbroke has been broken into individual stations or small groups of stations and sold off.

Big - Big $$ was made by the speculators.

You can possibly contact Elders Rural (sales agents) for a list of individual properties - I would imagine the aircraft are still on the properties and still need drivers.

Except, now you will nedd 30+ CVs instead of one.

Good luck.