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View Full Version : Freight or Commercial?

Little Wing
27th Aug 2004, 09:40
As a PPL student at the moment, I want to get into a good flying career. Comercial Airlines take my interest, but I get the feeling that freight may be more fun, interesting and varied, and also has less Jo Public to handle!

I just have a few questions as freight flying really is not greatly marketed (which is one of the attractions)

What is it like to fly freight? Are you treated well? Is it all night flights? Are the Hours really long, or are they similar to Commercial? Do you get to see places you wouldn't normally see in the commercial world? Are there stop overs in other countries? Are there many female pilots in this industry (not as though I mind being surrounded by men, I am just curious!)?

And last and most of all, do you enjoy it?

27th Aug 2004, 13:38
What you have to understand is that freight is commercial. You get paid to fly it, your company is getting paid to fly it.

Depending on who your flying for, and what you are flying, the hours can be similar. A lot of freight flying can be at night.

If you are flying for a scheduled freight service, it's just like an airline with the need to be on time.

Air freight is the fastest growing sector in aviation.

27th Aug 2004, 20:26
One thing is for sure when flying freight...

You are almost always at or close to alimit, be it MTOW, MLW, MZFW. If consistently not, then you are either not transporting freight but parcels (and your tail is purple, brown, orange or something of the kind), or you better start looking for a new job becasue your company is going TU...

27th Aug 2004, 20:44
(not as though I mind being surrounded by men, I am just curious!)?

oh dear i am so not going there...lol

remember you said it