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View Full Version : How eight pixels cost Microsoft millions

Naples Air Center, Inc.
22nd Aug 2004, 15:26
Speaking at the International Geographical Union congress in Glasgow on Wednesday, Microsoft's top man in its geopolitical strategy team, Tom Edwards, revealed how one of the biggest companies in the world managed to offend one of the biggest countries in the world with a software slip-up.

When coloring in 800,000 pixels on a map of India, Microsoft colored eight of them a different shade of green to represent the disputed Kashmiri territory. The difference in greens meant Kashmir was shown as non-Indian, and the product was promptly banned in India. Microsoft was left to recall all 200,000 copies of the offending Windows 95 operating system software to try and heal the diplomatic wounds. "It cost millions," Edwards said.

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How eight pixels cost Microsoft millions (http://news.com.com/How+eight+pixels+cost+Microsoft+millions/2100-1014_3-5316664.html)

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