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View Full Version : 3 day diet

20th Aug 2004, 18:33
A friend of mine metioned to me the other day about a 3 day diet that works by altering the chemical balance in your stomach, or altering the metabolism. He told me of the ingredients, then I came accross this site:


There are loads of sites about this all with the same food contents. I am very skeptical about this and dont really believe that it can work, as said at the top of this page that even if you only drank water for 3 days, you stil couldnt lose 10 pounds.

However, I like to see 2 sides to every story, and due to the fact that I havent tried it, I am wondering...........

Any pruners out there that have tried this, or know anyone that has tried it? Any Doctors that may be able to explain the possible implications of this?

Thank you as always,

Maz :ok:

20th Aug 2004, 18:39

That looks rather jummy and losing 10lbs as well, fantastic.

On a more serious note though.

If you want to lose weight the only successful way to do it is to adopt a different diet for the rest of your life combined with a number of other lifestyle changes.

Nothing else will work.

You don't have to believe me. Just look around you and see why fat folks stay fat, slim folks slim and so many dieters revert back to their old weight in record time after coming off their diet.


20th Aug 2004, 19:27
Lose 10lb a week on that!!! It's hardly any different to what I eat when I'm trying to lose weight, and I'm lucky if I can manage to lose a pound a week.

Tell you what, I'll write a diet book. I'll give it a fancy name, sort out some menus, tell you that there's some secret ingredient. I can write well, and some people will believe anything in print. Might make my fortune, even if it doesn't work.

Sorry Maz, not getting at you, just had it up to here with fad diets and extravagant claims.

20th Aug 2004, 19:36
Hehe thanks fellow proons, I couldnt agree more - I know too much that the only diets that work are the proper long term healthy ones (the difficult ones) the main reason why I was curious about this is because there are so many sites about it and it seems well known, even a few of my pals have heard of it.

Back to the couch :=


20th Aug 2004, 20:19
What a load of old poo!

I once tried the cabbage soup diet .... which I did for about 2 weeks ..... its alright for 2 days, but then it starts making you feel sick!!

And as for my guts ....... had to get an arse transplant after that!

I now walk a dog (not mine) 4 miles every morning and seems to be working! At first I put on weight (muscle building up) and then it started to fall off!! The trick is to keep it up and not stop when you loose the weight you want!

Some of us are big and have to be careful with our diets!

Others are lucky buggers that munch on what they want and still stay like sticks!


Bird Strike
21st Aug 2004, 02:46
I admit to laughing at the little comment near the bottom of that linked page

Diet Zone Staff: Does the 3 Day Diet work? No. Is it practical? Not really. Should you try it? Do yourself a favor and stay far away from this diet.

I agree wholeheartedy with that comment. While I don't know that much about nutrition & physiology, I cannot see any way that this diet would work.

But really, I think what Flying'Dutch' said "If you want to lose weight the only successful way to do it is to adopt a different diet for the rest of your life combined with a number of other lifestyle changes." was very true.

If you are or are planning on going on a diet, good luck - sticking to a healthy eating patterns and reduced calorie intake may take a lot of discipline but the result would be worth it! :ok:

21st Aug 2004, 07:47
Well, I think I will leave it here now with the firm conclusion that it dont work! I too could find no reason how it could work, OK so you may lose a pound or 2 because you aren't eating much, but this cant be the way to diet, and 10lb ? Naaa:}



21st Aug 2004, 08:05
If you're VERY overweight I could see that you might lose quite a bit on this diet. Most people lose a disproportionate amount in the first week of any diet, although most of it is water rather than fat. This 3-day diet looks as though it's quite low calorie - even with the icecream! So if you were a 20 stone slob who normally ate three huge high fat high calorie meals, plus snacks plus booze, I daresay you'd lose quite a few pounds on this. But it wouldn't last. And any low calorie diet would have the same effect.

I've battled with my weight since I was five years old. I've tried nearly every diet in existence. I've now come to the conclusion that it's really only the number of calories which counts - you can diet on chocolate fudge cake if you like, but you won't be able to eat much of it, and you won't be very healthy.

Just one thing I wonder though. Personally, for me, exercise appears not to make the slightest difference. I've been fit, even very fit, and still had to eat like a bird not to put on weight. I walked 5000 miles over 11 months, and put ON 20 lbs, and it wsn't all muscle; spare tyres aren't made of muscle. I joined a very tough karate class where everyone said they were losing weight; I didn't. I actually find it easier to diet by NOT exercising too much, as if I do I get too hungry, and if I eat more I can't lose weight.

Now, I know research has found that people who find it hard to lose weight don't have slower metabolic rates than normal. But have they ever compared their increase in metabolic rate during exercise? Is it remotely possible that for some of us it just doesn't increase enough? That our bodies are too efficient, as it were? Has this ever been researched?

Flyin' Dutch etc, over to you.....

21st Aug 2004, 10:19
Don't knock it!

It depends on what the person's condition is before they start the diet. If the person were a 30 stone lump of lard, then yes, 10 lbs would surely be lost over a period of 3 days using that diet.

On the other hand, a 6 stone bantamweight would have great difficulty loosing any weight what so ever on said diet.

30th Aug 2004, 09:58
Eat less, walk more. Fat people are fat because they eat too much. Someone stole my motorcycle once. I walked a lot for a while. Lost pounds.

Loose rivets
31st Aug 2004, 07:06
When I was in my early 20's my pal that I stayed with while doing my ‘writtens', went on what was then called the Canadian airforce diet. It was essentially a carbohydrate free regime. (Sold as the grapefruit diet etc., in later years.) When after 10 days I returned to his flat he was hardly recognizable; it certainly worked.

Nowadays, this diet has been regularly slammed as very unhealthy. But.......now I'm almost an OAP nothing seems to work except near starvation. While in the UK, I make a point of cycling to the pub etc., but a bad lumber disk or two has stopped me running, and this is the most severe setback (groan) to staying fit and slim-ish. Rocketing past 220 lbs, I had to do something, and the sound advice from FD was not working at this age, at least not with the new physical restrictions. A brutal attack on the problem seemed the only way.

I suggest the following only for those that are not getting results with normal dieting. And needles to say an operating crew member should not do this.

I recently lost 30 lbs in less than a month by a well tested routine.
Plenty of water and almost no food for a couple of days and then slowly start to reintroduce food. I know, this puts the body into conserve mode, but it also shrinks the stomach in much the same way as the multi-thousand dollar stapling operation, it is then just a case of not stretching it again for a while, and never binge. It is nowhere near as unpleasant as it sounds cos the less you eat, the less you want to eat.

The pleasing results are conditional. That is, the slightest transgression and the weight goes back on in hours rather than days...it takes time to make the results permanent. This is the time for the sensible routine to be started. IMHO, shrinking the stomach obviates the need for any of the new drugs that fool us into feeling sated.

31st Aug 2004, 09:24
I just finished a week of the Cabbage Soup diet without cheating and lost four kilos. It certainly worked, don't know how long the weight loss will last and it wasn't too difficult. You can prepare the soup to taste quite good with a bit of imagination but I don't want to see any of it for some time to come.:yuk:

Echo T
2nd Sep 2004, 15:15
Well done for those who have managed to shed of the pounds!

what do you guys think of the low carb (Dr. Atkins) diet?

Well done for those who have managed to shed of the pounds!

what do you guys think of the low carb (Dr. Atkins) diet?


2nd Sep 2004, 18:14
I knew this thread would end up with posts like that. If you look at the original question, I was asking an opinion on a diet, not how to lose weight. I know it may easily be read like that, but I wanted the opinion of a specific diet which I had heard of. Thank you however to those who have made a positive post.


2nd Sep 2004, 22:12
To put it simply:p
Eat and drink less and do more:{
If it tastes good, spit it out:yuk:

Echo T
3rd Sep 2004, 10:02
Mazzy u guessed right!

From one of ure earlier threads, u mentioned that u got what u wanted, u got your answers to your questions, so therefore i asked another question. I didnt want to start a new topic as this was about diet!. Sorry to Intrude on your topic!!

3rd Sep 2004, 15:04
Echo - no intrusion detected. Could have seen the funny side of that I suppose. I like that other comment though:

"If it tastes good, spit it out" - its all too true now....:{

4th Sep 2004, 07:06
Here is my 5 cents worth.

Eat a large healthy breakfast, high in meat, eggs, beans, cooked tomatoes and drink WATER not tea nor coffee.

Eat a medium healthy lunch of fish, lean chicken/turkey, cheese etc and drink WATER..

Eat a very small snack for dinner (tea I believe they call it in England - very quaint) salad, vegetables, lean meat/fish and drink WATER

excercise at least 15 minutes a day and........ trust me you will not only feel good but you will look good.

The reason FAT PEOPLE are FAT is simply the mouth (in general) is larger than the ARSEHOLE - QED! and they EAT TOO MUCH!!!