View Full Version : JAA Flight Duty Limitations

20th Aug 2004, 13:46
Flight Duty Limitations Software

Any body know where Ican source or download a program for computing Flight/Duty/Times iaw JAR req.


20th Aug 2004, 13:52

There are no flight and duty time regulations in any JAR.

20th Aug 2004, 14:04
He's got a point! Subpart Q is 'reserved' (ie blank).

Being a computer programmer, I wrote a database product for AOC holders based on Access; the idea was that they type in their a/cs' techlogs and then it told them everything - aircraft hours, which customers were doing what, and what hours the crew had flown. Not just 'Fred flew 4.5 hours on the 12th'; it 'knew' about CAP371 and would start displaying figures in different colours when they were approaching or passing 3-day, 7-day etc thresholds, or if they'd done more than six days on the trot, or not taken 2 consec days in a fortnight.

Trouble is, it would only work for you if you typed in the tech log for every aircraft you flew. Sorry.

20th Aug 2004, 14:25
Thanx Guys, I should have just asked if anyone knows of a monthly or 28 day cycle flight and duty spread sheet that they can either email or tell me where to get it;)

20th Aug 2004, 15:34
You mean like Air Med's "Flight & Duty Period Calculator & Planner"?
They knew what you were after, just blame the rain.
I'll try and send it over.
Before anyone grumbles...it says "This program may be freely copied"

21st Aug 2004, 08:34
There's one on my website at www.electrocution.com/aviation


23rd Aug 2004, 09:48
Thanks for the help.
Ya'll Fly Safely, Y'hear!:p

Bravo 99 (AJB)
23rd Aug 2004, 10:18
Helipoloar bear

I use the sky log pro it does all duty hours and a load more i find it extreamely good including split fdp etc.

I keep a hard copy just in case though


Bravo 99 (AJB)

23rd Aug 2004, 10:24
PACO, Thanks for the website ref. Excellent Job and great value for money, especially considering the cost of downloads from the JAA.nl site. Every Professional Heli pilot can only benefit from your site. Thanks again HPB;)