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View Full Version : JAA licence - job in China

13th Aug 2004, 06:36
I have accepted an offer to fly in China for my first commercial job. I understand that I will have to convert my JAA licence into a local one when I arrive...

...but what happens to my JAA ME/IR ratings? Do they lapse? How do I get them back if I need to come back to Europe?

Any help much appreciated

13th Aug 2004, 06:50
Like I said in the other instance of this posting: Read the JAR-FCL and all will be easily revealed! :}

17th Aug 2004, 23:51
i like to know what company you got a job with ? If you don t mind telling , and what kind of airplane will you be flying ?

18th Aug 2004, 00:38
CAA will redirect you to LASORS for the "definitive" answer to your UK licencing questions. In the (likely) event that LASORS does not answer your query in full, or at all, I suggest that you write (old-fashioned it may be, but it forces a human being to reply) to them for an answer. My experience with the CAA is that they do all possible to avoid tying themselves down to an answer - it took me 6 months of emails, and eventually a complaint in writing to the director of SRG, to elicit a response to a very similar question to yours. Sorry to be negative, but such is the face of today's technology-driven CAA...

...but good luck with your new job!


18th Aug 2004, 16:59
Thanks everyone - although I am still hoping to hear from someone who is actually out there that knows the answer...

... and the answer is A320, and SE China (they want it kept secret).

18th Aug 2004, 18:45
Whow gratz mate thats great , should be an adventure . Did you have the rating on the a 320 ?