View Full Version : Cairns Accomodation

giddy up
9th Aug 2004, 07:43
Was just after some info re: accommodation.....Will be headed up that way at the end of the week in search of work. Have researched a few caravan parks, but they all seem to have bloody ridiculous weekly prices (4-500 bucks). Don't really want to get a lease until i've found a job due to the possibility of being on Horn.
What are the decent backpackers around? Does anyone have a room to rent??

Thanks in advance.....pm me if you prefer
giddy :ok:

9th Aug 2004, 08:53
Hey Giddy Up!

If you're about 5'5, 50 kilos and a knockout blonde, then im sure I can find room to acomodate you.


9th Aug 2004, 13:18
Gilliangans is soooooo cool...

full off backpackers..... Easy to pick up 2....

77buks a night tho..............

ehhhhh yabida

9th Aug 2004, 14:12
Giddy up

Have you checked the minimums for most Cairns operators?

Most require 2,000 total, 500 multi. (most are RPT)

Barrier have lower minimums (Non RPT operator).

Cairns can be a disappointment for low hr aspiring pilots.

Cairns van parks are in demand, after all its the end of the road and its peak holiday season.

Try the "All Seasons Esplanade" Hotel, they have good clean rooms in the poverty section at the back from $48 night. A lot of GA pilots from the bush stay there when on charters to Cairns.

Check the minimums if you haven't already been offered a job, otherwise you'll have a nice trip but be told sorry, not enough total time or not enough multi time. Might save you a lot of money and disappointment.

If you've got the minimums, and get a start, you'll love Cairns or Horn Island, great places to practice your craft.

giddy up
10th Aug 2004, 06:03
Mainframe, check your PM's

Torres Forever
10th Aug 2004, 10:34

Don't go missleading anyone now. We all know that living in Horn Island is about as appealing as sticking nails through your eyelids.:yuk: :D

Cheers mate,


The Bullwinkle
10th Aug 2004, 10:52
Torres Forever
With a name like that, how can you not be an advocate of the Torres Strait ???.......

I had four great years there. (Then again, some people believe that I am clinically insane !!!!.)


Torres Forever
10th Aug 2004, 13:00
I have to agree though. Gilligans is top value. Clean, new, friendly and realitivly cheap. The eye candy is a bonus too:E

Best of luck mate


The Bullwinkle,

Advocate??? I dunno, the nails through my eyelids are looking a pretty good bet.:p ha ha.

Cheers bud.


The Bullwinkle.

P.S. I\'ll see you at the disturbed persons meeting next week.;)
