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View Full Version : CAA loophole

7th Aug 2004, 15:47
Hi guys,

Hopefully you can help me out here. I recently took a CAA Class 1 initial at gatwick, and failed marginally on the anisometropia limits - you are allowed 2 dioptres difference between your eyes and I have 2.25D. Despite the fact that my vision with both eyes is 6/4, they still failed me. Not being at all bitter about this, I found out about the fact that if you have a foreign CPL, your class 1 is treated as a renewal exam, and on renewal standards with the CAA, you can have 3 dioptres of anisometropia - so I would pass.

My question is, do any other JAA states do this ? The IAA website was not very helpful, and I really don't want to have to go back to gatwick ! I am currently planning on heading out to canada in sept to do their CPL, and then hopefully gaining a JAA Class 1 and converting to a JAA licence. Any advice would be most appreciated !
