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View Full Version : UAE to Euro

4th Aug 2004, 02:57
Gday guys,
Just out of curiosity, anyone know if you can drive from the UAE to Euro? ANyone ever dont this or know anyone that has?
Curious if its able to be travelled by road.


4th Aug 2004, 06:53
Yep, its quite straight forward as long as you can get the visas. Saudi, Jordan and Syria would be the tough ones to get. Not sure how many filling stations there are in Northern Syria/Southern Turkey. Once you are through Istanbul though should be plain sailing (sorry driving).

Don't they have maps in Oz.

Flip Flop Flyer
4th Aug 2004, 12:19
How about the boat over to Iran, then through Turkey, Bulgaria, varios ex. Yugoslavian republics and hey presto, you're at the Italian border!

Bloody long drive though, I suppose only an ozmate could come up with that idea ;) Loose estimate is a good 2 - 3 weeks and an awful lot of fuel (provided you can get it). Diesel recommended.

Prolly cheaper to load the car on a boat and fly yourself up.

4th Aug 2004, 13:03

4th Aug 2004, 17:57
Have known people do it from Saudi using cars, motorbikes and trucks, just make sure that you pack a large amount of "patience"!

If you are going to visit Petra, then also try Madain Saleh, its sister city.


5th Aug 2004, 02:37
Thanks for your replies guys.
Just wasnt sure it was posssible due political reasons.
Need a lot of Visas!
Dontt hink it would be too safe going through Jordan Syria ect.

Thanks, perhaps send vechicle and fly is a better option!


8th Aug 2004, 03:50
Visas to Jordan should not be a problem if you are from the US. , Canada, or the EU. You can get a 2 week visa right at the border I think. Definately worth it esp for Petra and Jerash (up to the north on your way to Syria).

Golden Parrot
8th Aug 2004, 16:07
Good friend of mine drove Doha to Paris and back in a landcruiser. This was a couple of years ago but he said it was a great experience...took some planning though!

9th Aug 2004, 04:50
I think your biggest obstacle, may just be the beurocracy of getting the Saudi Transit visa to cross the country. As far as Jordan and Syria, Visas shouldn't be a problem for either, and don't worry, they are both very safe countrys. Once into Turkey after leaving Syria, you'll have no problems there as the only worries there are in the East of the country, and where you enter Turkey is well West of those areas. I would love to do it one day, and am very envious. I would say, however many hoops you have to jump through to get the required visas, you should do it, cos it will be an experience not a lot of people get to do. Good luck.

P.S If you do it don't miss, 1. Petra 2.Palmyra in Syria, 3. This local sweet cheese roll specialty from Alleppo (in Syria near border with Turkey). 4. Banana milkshake in centre of Damascus and 5. Food in Antalya (on Mediterannean coast of Turkey). Enjoy!