View Full Version : A question regarding the "FLIGHTWATCH" call sign

2nd Aug 2004, 02:15
I have to admit, that despite spending the last few months cruising around IFR in Australia, I'm a little confused about FIS frequencies and the call sign "FLIGHTWATCH".

The AIP says (in a couple of places but this example is from the Jepps 700 series para 6.10.3):

When requesting operational information on FIS frequencies, the pilot must use the call sign "FLIGHTWATCH".

This is fine, but when I look at my chart I see FIS frequencies operated by both Centre, and Flightwatch.

If I am operating in Class G, I'm reporting to "Brisbane Centre" on 123.9, and I want to get a METAR or make a flightplan ammendment, should I use the same 123.9 frequency with the "FLIGHTWATCH" call sign? Or do I just request that information from "Brisbane Centre" as they are the FIS provider for that area?

2nd Aug 2004, 04:01
That reference GEN 3.3 2.10.2 was 100% right, when published, but events have moved on a bit. When it was published Flightwatch and FIS was done from the same FSO console & ATC was somebody else. Then, in dribs & drabs followed by a torrent those FS sectors moved into the AACC.

In the current charts the legend says FIS freq are green and live in little lumpy biscuits, and reality is that they will connect you with an ATC. Try for Flightwatch on the Flightwatch flat-sided biscuit freqs, then try lumpy biscuits. If no luck talk to ATC on the freq you're on.

You have spotted an anachronism in AIP, call AIS proudly on the number in GEN 0.1 10.2.


2nd Aug 2004, 08:03
Thanks. It seemed like there might be another unit (Flightwatch) who listened out on the Centre frequency waiting for someone to call "Flightwatch, request METAR Derby" or something.

I'm using Jep charts so your "lumpy biscuit" reference isn't really making sense. FIS frequencies on the Jepps are just marked FIS at the top of the box with the call sign and frequency inside the box. I guess if there is a VHF Flightwatch outlet AND a VHF FIS Centre outlet then I should use the Flightwatch frequency for annoying things like flightplan ammendments and other information requests right? But if there is only the Centre freq then I should just use them?

I Fly
3rd Aug 2004, 14:42
Have a look in ERSA 9GEN - 151), there is a map with the Flightwatch outlets, both VHF and HF.

3rd Aug 2004, 16:05
Yeah, I know where all the Flightwatch outlets are. The AIP talks as though all FIS outlets are Flightwatch outlets, and they're not. A lot of them are Brisbane or Melbourne Centre. When there's no VHF Flightwatch frequency available, and I really don't want to shag around with HF, is it ok to get all Flightwatch type information from a FIS Centre frequency? I gather that that is the purpose of FIS outlets, but as I said, the AIP is rather ambiguous.

Feather #3
3rd Aug 2004, 19:53
If there's a VHF FIS outlet nearby, I use it. If I can't get them, I call the CTR and if he objects, I ask for the appropriate FIS freq closest to me. However, if it's a simple request, they'll often oblige with a caveat that I should call FIS.

Works for me!

G'day ;)

3rd Aug 2004, 23:16

Flightwatch and Centre are two different entities and reside in different buildings.

Flightwatch is based in Brisbane (at the base of the Control tower) and is part of AusFic.

In AusFic resides, the Notam office, Briefing Office for Oz, Flightwatch and Flight Service. Flightwatch is manned by Flight Service Officers 24hours and has dedicated frequencies.

Brisbane and Melbourne Centre house the enroute and approach sectors for all of Australian airspace (which includes significant sections of oceanic airspace). It is manned by ATCs.

If you require notams or weather info, or need to lodge a flight plan or make major changes to an existing flight plan, then your best bet is to call Flightwatch.

On occasions you might not be able to call Flightwatch (for whatever reason) then a call to the relevant centre frequency for basic weather, notam info, or to make minor changes to flight plans, then the ATC guarding that frequency can usually help you out.

ATCs do not have the ability to quickly obtain all the info required for a long or complicated flight plan or ammendment, but if you just need an amended TAF or Metar or Speci, or a simple amendment to a flight plan, then ATC should be able to help.

Hope this helps.


4th Aug 2004, 03:41

Refer to Jepp. ATC AU-907. It has the map that I Fly refers to (I think?? It only has the VHF Freqs.).


5th Aug 2004, 02:31
Thanks for all of your replies. Just to clairfy, I know where all the Flightwatch outlets are or how to find them, it was merely a question about whether you're supposed to use the call sign "Flightwatch" when requesting operational information from an FIS frequency run by Brisbane or Melbourne Centre. This is what the AIP says to do, it didn't make sense though, that you'd use a different call sign talking to the same people just because you were requesting a certain type of information.

Thanks Spodman for confirming that the AIP is wrong/outdated.

5th Aug 2004, 03:14
That's the way it used to be. Aircraft that had talked to me as "Melbourne" a minute ago would call me "Flightwatch" when they wanted a wx update. Despite the fact you can call me now as "Melbourne Center" on the same freq if you called me "Flightwatch" I'd gently break the news that callsign is no longer known at this address...