View Full Version : Franchising Standards

1st Aug 2004, 14:38
Hello all,

I have just arrived back from Malta onboard a GB Airways flight operated in full BA colours and by crew in the uniforms as normal. But being BA crew myself I was not prepared for what met me at the steps of the plane as I boarded...Although a very nice chap by all means, the young lad had a smacking large silver tongue ring in his mouth!!!!!! :ooh:
Now this isnt a bash at GB at all because iv two very good friends who fly for them and I fly them all the time (the airline not my friends that is) but I have just spoken to one of my friends on the phone and he just laughed!!!
Now to a passenger getting on this flight, what they see is British Airways and not GB, So when they board they get met by a mouth of metal representing the company they think they are flying with...surely this is by no means acceptable by any airlines standards. I know if I reported to work with my eye ring in id be frog marched down to my managers office before I had time to fart.
Your comments please...
PS.....Sorry if this sounds like a GB bash, I assure you its not, even this guy was a nice chap but I do think the tongue thing which was unmissable was out of order.

1st Aug 2004, 15:04
Fair comment to make. By no means is a tongue stud part of any company's uniform, it certainly isn't with mine - which is a good thing. However, it may be possible that this chap simply forgot he had it in.

I am not trying to justify it - but I have one myself and when it has been in your mouth for over three years it is possible to forget its even there! I remember not long after I started, I made the mistake of leaving it in, however a kind workmate informed me in the briefing so I was not caught out on the flight or by a senior.

The problem is, when it is hidden in your mouth, many people may not notice until you start up a conversation, but in this mans case - it should have also been noticed when answering his briefing questions before the flight. If you noticed it - then someone else will have.

Even though I have one, I do agree with company policy. Even in the case of clear tongue studs which some of my friends have been known to get away with. The fact is, although I love having one, many passengers may see it in a very different light - afterall it is a piercing in an unconventional place.

what does everyone else think?


1st Aug 2004, 21:07
I had a tongue ring for about a year before I commenced my ground school... was ordered to take it out, and it grew over that very night! :( so that was the end of that little charade....

Apparently you can get clear tongue studs now that are particularly hard to see?