View Full Version : Psychological questions...

30th Jul 2004, 03:19
Hello people,

I realised that this section of forum lack of psychological stuffs questions...Therefore, i am doing a thread for this.My question is :

1)what sort of psychological questions will be given to you during an interview for a major airline?

2)HOw should you answer them?

3)IS there a right or wrong for each answer?

p/s: Try to give as many examples as you can think of ....


30th Jul 2004, 07:55
Trick is normally to answer them how you feel you should answer them, just be honest! Some questions might be repeated (but using a different "question" if you follow) to try to trip you up or see the real you.

As for right/wrong answer, depends on the question really. Ive found that most the questions I have seen before have key words that they will look for when you explain your answer.

My advice just be honest with psych questions.

BSc Psychology

30th Jul 2004, 09:51
check your messages

30th Jul 2004, 18:01

pls check PM too.

31st Jul 2004, 06:52
I agree you should be honest with psychologists. However, you do not have to succumb to giving over private and personal information. I went through selection for an airline that incorporated a psychological interview. I had been out of work for a while and was asked some fairly direct questions about my financial health. I.e. how long could I stay out of work for etc.

Now, there are at least two issues (and probably an awful lot more) that are nobodies business when you apply for a job.

One is how much money you have. The other is whether you are planning to get pregnant.

My advice with this kind of snooping is to simply reply that the question is outside the scope of the interview. That position should be respected.

There can be a hidden agenda with a psychologists interviews - namely to elicit information the airline wants yet cannot glean from more above the board methods.