View Full Version : Excel with Intranet

20th Jul 2004, 15:07
I have a small Excel VB program running on my companies intranet. My problem is when I use the close button it gives an 'Out of range' error. Any Ideas.

21st Jul 2004, 13:48
How do you mean Excel VB? Is it an excel sheet that has VBA (visual basic for applications) code incorporated into it? VB and Excel are seperate development tools (well Excel isnt really a dev tool) but you can mix the two together for advanced users).

Plus, are you accessing it through the network (i.e. is it stored on the server) or is it on your local machine that happens to be networked?


Maz :)

22nd Jul 2004, 09:08
Ta Spicy
Yes it is a spreadsheet with some macros (VBA), and it is on the server to be used from many locations. I'm not at work at the moment to give you the exact error code but 1004 also seems to appear at times all when the user tries to close the application.

22nd Jul 2004, 12:27
Behind the button that closes the sheet use the following code:


On Error GoTo err1


MsgBox err.description


This will attempt to close the worksheet, and if it cant, you will get the description of the error. If you get the description, post it back here.

cheers mate


23rd Jul 2004, 11:30
Try here it may point you in the right direction;

Microsoft Support Search String (http://support.microsoft.com/search/default.aspx?InCC_hdn=True&Catalog=LCID%3D2057%26CDID%3DEN-US-KB%26PRODLISTSRC%3DON&Product=&KeywordType=ALL&Titles=false&numDays=&maxResults=25&Queryl=error+code+1004&Query=error+code+1004&QuerySource=gsfxSearch_Query&srch)