View Full Version : Canadain Forces Flight Engineers

17th Jul 2004, 18:58
Anyone in the CF have any info on Flight Engineer positions in the CF on Auroras, Hercs or Helicopters? I am in the initial application process to join up as an AVN TECH. The reruiter could not give me much information on the trade as it is a specialty trade? You have to be in for so many years, be at a certain rank and have so many coarses. Is there any info out there in computer land on the ocupation? I have searched the DND site, and google but came up short. Any info would be great. Thanks.

brit bus driver
17th Jul 2004, 23:16
Does this help?


If not, call one of the Sqns at 8 Wing and ask to speak to the FE Leader; sure they could give you some direction.

Might be worth posting in the Canada forum.


Good luck

BBD - Formerly of Belleville (& Trenton)

18th Jul 2004, 05:42
Cheers Mate,

Yea, that's kinda what i'd like to be doing in a few years. Thanks much for the link. Good info, I think it will be one step at a time, get in first, put in my time then work on becoming aircrew on the operationl side of things. Thanks much.
