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View Full Version : Left eye smi-blurry

17th Jul 2004, 08:59
Bonne soir,

My left eye, as it is doing right now, goes a tad (hardly noticable) blurry when i rub it, or close my eyelid. It more of my eyelid feeling a little weird. It happens very rarely and theres nothing wrong with the sight...should I get it checked out?

Captain Airclues
17th Jul 2004, 09:25

I see that you wrote this at 2am. Could that be the problem?


17th Jul 2004, 09:32
lol no, it happens quite a bit...also...whenver i sit down for a while, like on the comp or on the couch i get up and I feel like im gonna faint

17th Jul 2004, 09:46
Probably nothing serious, the thought of getting off the sofa makes me dizzy, but sounds like a visit to the doc could be in order just to be on the safe side.


Bird Strike
17th Jul 2004, 10:11
See an ophthalmologist or at least an optician.

27th Jul 2004, 16:32
Thyroid problems perhaps? I have hypothyroidism currently following treatment for an overactive thyroid. I get exactly the symptoms you describe in my eyes, however was informed that it may be the case. Get a blood test measuring T4/TSH if you are at all concerned - look at symtoms on webmd.com.

Re fainting - is your heart rate particularly slow at all? BP?

Not something to worry about if it is the case - easily sorted - but far less likely than you simply being a bit tired, or having a bit of a cold perhaps?

28th Jul 2004, 03:26
Well I never actually fainted...Just really super dizzy...until a couple days ago....my mom woke me up way too early and i got all dizzy, and next thing I knew i was on the floor. And I dont have a low heart rate...actually its probably too high...about 70ish when resting :rolleyes:

28th Jul 2004, 08:22
Get checked for low blood pressure as soon as you can ! An opto can tell an amazing array of things regarding your health, just by looking into your eyes. You need to be tested right away to eliminate any conditions.

Let us know how you get on.


28th Jul 2004, 08:30

Helpful as some of the suggestions on here may be you do have to go and see your healthcare professional I think.