View Full Version : And President Chirac said to me - caption competition

14th Jul 2004, 15:09
Bastille Day caption competition:


adrian mole
14th Jul 2004, 15:25
"Your surnames Sharpe, you jest with me non?"

tony draper
14th Jul 2004, 16:43
Allo chaps, how are things at Butlins?

14th Jul 2004, 16:49
Sorry to disappoint you, mes amis, we 'ave eaten all ze foxes round 'ere.

14th Jul 2004, 16:53

Lionel Lion
14th Jul 2004, 16:57
Waterloo............a great victory for Europe :E

14th Jul 2004, 17:30
Zo, eez back to my place after ze show, oui?

14th Jul 2004, 17:34
"Hey Mister Redcoat, you wanna come back to mine and play 'find my weapon of mass seduction'" ? :)

14th Jul 2004, 17:51
He He, while you are over 'ere, we steal your feelthy EU rebate!

14th Jul 2004, 18:56
" I surrender."

14th Jul 2004, 19:01
"Schnell Schnell ist spitfire-kopf!" ....err, Pardon mon ami, le flashback, non.

14th Jul 2004, 20:05
The horse you gave me should be ready to eat now!

14th Jul 2004, 20:11
Don't mention the war, I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it.

14th Jul 2004, 21:48
Hang on - only German soldiers are allowed to march down the Champs Elise !

15th Jul 2004, 02:55
Mes amis - in tent we 'ave some cordial

15th Jul 2004, 06:26
Do you think we could have our bearskins back which you stole from our Grenadiers?

The Nr Fairy
15th Jul 2004, 09:31
No, I weeel not tell you 'ow to get to Waterlooo Station . . .

15th Jul 2004, 09:37
..'and 'ow iz your muzzer? I last saw 'er some thurtee yeears ago, I sink?'...

Flip Flop Flyer
15th Jul 2004, 09:46
thanks for the blow job, but you needent have gargled

15th Jul 2004, 09:50
"So is it now time to undo ze ties, do ze messy games, spill vin rouge over ze chemise and sing 'Zere once was a farmer . . .' ?"

15th Jul 2004, 11:00
Psst - You don't have any of that wonderful Australian wine about your person do you?

News report today - Australian wine takes Nos 1 and 3 spots in UK most popular wine (Californian 2nd:yuk: ) French wines don't figure!

Yeah - Bring it on!!!!!:ok: :ok:

15th Jul 2004, 12:54
Do tell me, what iz thiz strange thing you call fighting?

15th Jul 2004, 17:07
'If you say you are in ze famous Red Arrows, 'ow come your flying suits are so much more elegant zan usual?'

15th Jul 2004, 17:18
.....non, eez very kind of you to offer your 'manure au naturelle' from your 'orses, but I 'ave ze gardeners to take care of that stuff for me, merci beaucoup.....

coley chaos
15th Jul 2004, 17:39
Chirac - " Goodmoaning to you both. I trust the french wine and women are to your satisfaction, and whilst your here I do trust you will visit all the historical buildings of this great city of mine. Be sure to make yourself known to any of my servants and they will do their upmost to see to it that your every whim and desire are catered for. Now, is there anything at all that may interest you during your visit, anything? "

Red Coats - " yes please Mr Aznavour, could I an me mate have your autograph. You see, me mam loved your - Thank Heaven, For Little Girls - song and she`d be well impressed! Hang on mate, i`ll get her on the mobile, you could suprise her by singin down the phone!! "

Chirac - :confused:

:E :E

16th Jul 2004, 15:37
Chirac - Fancy buying some French rifles? Never fired and only dropped once!

16th Jul 2004, 15:46
"Merde Alors! You are so funny men - you say your defence budget is 'ow small? You are pulling mon pisseur, n'est-ce pas?"

16th Jul 2004, 22:59
Zut Alors! Eet is zee 2 eedeeot Breeteesh airmon! I though Rene sent you back in 1944 n'est pas? And you are disguoosed as what now? And tell me - is that waitress Yvette still there??