View Full Version : Exercise at Colerne?

8th Jul 2004, 15:47
No, this isn't an enquiry about the gym at Colerne....

As a resident of the village and local expert (apparently) on all matters military, some of the neighbours have been asking what all the hullabaloo is up at the airfield, over and above the regular aerobation from our (grounded?) UAS and AEF chums. Being a Hercules sim bitch, my knowledge of military current affairs just about stretches to the hot gossip that Singapore has fallen to the Japs...

Lots of jet noise here although sadly my lack of an inquisitive nature means I haven't actually looked to see what they are. Saw a chinny with a USL so I'm assuming there's an exercise on.

Hot local rumour is that they're moving "jump jets" in for good. Whilst I know this not to be the case ;) does anyone have any info on the Ex I can pass on to the fine local folk to soothe their fevered brows?

ta :ok:

8th Jul 2004, 17:23
I think you'll find that it is the Harrier OCU carrying out some routine training.

8th Jul 2004, 18:21
Yeah cheers, was PM'd same by local steely eyed aviator :D


8th Jul 2004, 19:11
While I was at Colerne, the good men and women of 21 Signals Regiment would quite often practise securing loads (landrovers etc) underneath chinooks and junglies. As for the jet noise, possibly the extractor fan in the officers' mess kitchen.