View Full Version : NT operator selling Jobs 10k (Allegedly)

8th Jul 2004, 02:26
Heard a rumour the other day that a certain NT based operator that flies scenic flights around a National Park has sold a job to some chum from Adelaide. This company has allegedly employed this chump over the guys already working there so that he can fly an old C402. the reason that this happened was allegedly 10 gorillas changer hands between this chumps fathers timber company and the alleged operator.

8th Jul 2004, 06:18
yes doggy i have also heard this rumour i know of the guy involved and this dosn't supprise me at all. As he is a very nasty piece of work, I don't know what he will do when daddys 10 grand runs out as where ever he works he never seams to make friends and has a huge chip on his shoulder

Two in Together
8th Jul 2004, 11:12
To all the Kak Air Boys!! It's up to you guys to run this Kn@b out of town. He is taking your chance to move on because his 'Daddy' has more than yours. Make his life a living hell and i bet he won't last long. I spent a considerable amount of time out that way and found out that guys with no friends don't last long. You guys are putting in the hard yards and have done it by yourselves without any help from anyone. Don't let people like this drag the industry down any more than it has!!!


P.s. Props are for boats!!!:ok:

8th Jul 2004, 13:24
Two in together.

...nah.... 'Fans are for airconditioners'....:) :) :)

9th Jul 2004, 00:42
Dogboy,polish and two in,you guys or maybe girls for that matter are typical of the crap that gets slung around on this forum.Rumours......Thats what it is,and I happen to know this particular fella and he is a top bloke.and happens to be one of the biggest advocats of new pilots rights around ,if only there where more of him, then things for ones that are starting out would be some what easier I can assure you.
Do any of you blokes know him?????
He,s come there as the most experienced pilot by some stretch,multi eng ifr instructor,and he has been employed as check and training,I think that you three people have let the heat go to your head(and its winter for gods sake)
The problem with it is that you see some dude come up from adelaide and get straight on a twin and you think that because you all had to start on a single that he should,get over it and instead of worrying about others you should look at yourselves and try and not be so gelous.Because you three reek of it .Its ugly..:yuk:
This is precisly the reason that I could not be F*#@ed going to darwin to get some hours,and have to deal with all you WANNABES......
As my old man of 9,500 multi hrs always said to me "Mate! SCREAMERS AND DREAMERS"
And that applys to you three like you would not believe.
Get a Life
RWS888 :E

9th Jul 2004, 01:10

can you then verify that this highly experienced "top bloke" or the "top blokes" old man hasn't paid any money to the company involved? Because I guess thats the main issue, and if this "top bloke" did pay money, in my opinion he is infact not a "top bloke" but a f#@king sc@b! :yuk:

9th Jul 2004, 02:09
This is really sad. Why don't you big tough guys grow some balls and walk up and front the bloke and say " I heard this and is it true?"

Reason is: you are too gutless to do it because you actually have no proof and you would be afraid in case it's true and you get offside with the boss. What a pack of cry babies. Sooks.

Get a life.

9th Jul 2004, 03:25
well growler can you verify that anyone HAS paid any money,no of course you cant,thats the piont you gimp,and as was rightly pointed out by ginjocky ,ask him yourself , pack of sooks!:{
Ps Two in together,This props are for boats business,does that meen you fly jets? awesome.I dont believe you, if you did you wouldn't give a **** about some bloke flying a 402 surely,you blokes need to seriously grow up.:yuk:

9th Jul 2004, 04:16
rws888 and ginjockey,

Mates, I don't work anywhere near Kak, and don't want to. And I don't know who this "top bloke" is. The reason I "give a ****" is because when ppl **** in the aviation nest by paying for jobs, everyone in aviation, myself included, end up lying in it eventually. If you pulled your head out of your own arse for a moment you might realise this. More likely it would take someone to buy your job off your boss before you started giving a ****.

So as you pointed out, I should ask the "top bloke" myself. Why don't you post his details here (or via private msg) and I will. Not that I would expect anyone who did buy his job to give me an honest answer anyway.

9th Jul 2004, 06:24
Growler ,This thread need not be entertained any more,This is a arguement which is way old between two enemies from adelaide.I've had a close look at this and notice that the three first post's are from people that only had 3 posts each.This is a total smear campaign and it is pathetic,the person involved is one of the biggest twits I've ever known,And yes old mate we know who you are,keep it up because you will eventually be a very sad and lonely person,if not already,qantas recriuting been on to you latley mate???.......mmmm,think not.
I heard that you have got the sack from mbd in the last week or so.bad luck.
So growler my friend I totally agree with you ,I have never worked for free EVER in GA and really disagree with it and have had a real crack at the parachute operators on this forum for taking advantage and know the damage that it does and the bloke in question has tha exact mentality,so thats why I will defend him,he is the last bloke to work for free,let alone pay for it for gods sake.This whole thing is one ******** with a grudge,he needs to get a new career,anyone who cant see through this git and plans on giving him a job I feel very sorry for them.:E
RWS888 I'm out of this one ,let this BITCH wear himself out.

9th Jul 2004, 06:33
two in together, i also fly the 402 up here and i do know the guy your talking about and as you said guys with no friends don't last long up here... well, I believe he has already been up here for 3 months and going strong. as for the 10k payment, i don't think that would be neccessary as his qualifications are higher than mine and i didn't pay for my job!

dogboy0055, did you hear this rumour or just decide to start it?

sorry to cut this short but gotta go fly the 402 ;)

(thanks for 500 for the use of his login)

9th Jul 2004, 08:19
I think we'll just leave this one right here in case someone get their eye poked out

Play nicely please kiddies. W