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View Full Version : A School project - flying a Jump Jet

The Teacher
30th Jun 2004, 20:41
Hi there, this is a first post on your bulletin board. I'm not a pilot but a primary school teacher with a class of Key Stage 2 kids.

I am setting them a science related project on the Harrier Jump Jet. We are looking at things like vertical take off, air battles, use of technology and history.

Kids really like stories that they can relate to. I would love to include some kind of flying anecdote. Could any of you pilots post a story about what it is like to hover a Harrier? Is it difficult? Do you have to specially trained? Were there any accidents in the early days I could tell the kids about?

Thanks to anybody who has a story to tell. I'm a bit of an aviation buff ('plane spotter I suppose . . .) but kids really respond to a story told enthusiastically..

Thanks in advance.

Genghis the Engineer
30th Jun 2004, 20:57
Teacher, welcome to the flight test forum. I'm not going to try and answer your query, since there are others here far better equipped. But, may I suggest that you modify your profile so that you can receive Emails, or Private Messages or both - you won't get spam through Pprune, but members do sometimes prefer to communicate offline.


1st Jul 2004, 10:22
Their is a chap who regularley posts on here by the name of John Farley.
He would be the chap to contact as (I think) was involved with the original Kestral/Harrier prototypes.

If I have it all wrong JF, I apologise in advance.

1st Jul 2004, 13:31
Try http://www.harrier.org.uk/history/ and http://www.raf.mod.uk/history/no1.html

You could also try contacting TPs at Boscombe Down (Wiltshire); I'm sure they'd love to share some knowledge and experience (one of them made a mistake in the not too distant past and crashed a harrier - sorry GL). The alternative is to ask for information from one of the squadrons operating the harrier - see the RAF web site.

I once had the pleasure of being at a squadron dinner with Cecil Day-Lewis. After lying about his age to get into the RFC he was flying over France in WW1 (same sqn as Albert Ball VC) doing recce and artillery spotting, which was a significant advance in the conduct of warfare. Whilst flying up and down the lines he described experiencing some severe turbulence which turned out to be a 16" shell whistling past his aircraft!

Email me if you have any non-harrier requests and I'll see if I can help.

John Farley
1st Jul 2004, 19:30
Having been associated with the Harrier programme since 1964 it would be a pleasure to help. I had 19 years full time test flying the family of aircraft and dabbled further until 1999.

Please email me with your details to [email protected]

Dr Illitout
2nd Jul 2004, 08:40
Associated with the Harrier programme?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Thats a bit on the modest side there John!, it's like the Pope saying he's flicked through the bible!!!!.

Rgds Dr. I.

P.S If you do a school visit can I sit in on that lesson?!

2nd Jul 2004, 11:40
Teacher, I trust you will make the most of John's wonderful offer; I can tell you that you will not receive answers from a more authoritative source. Apologies from ordinary fast-jet aviators if we seem a little OTT when referring to a highly regarded test pilot - "we're not worthy..." would be appropriate.

The Teacher
2nd Jul 2004, 20:12
Gentlemen, thank you very much for your posts. I will be in touch as you have suggested.

Kind regards.

2nd Jul 2004, 21:10
Please Mr Teacher! If JF comes to your school can I come too, that day?

I suspect you will not have enough seats, so I have put my bid in early!

Genghis the Engineer
3rd Jul 2004, 07:33
Ah you missed a trick a while back chaps.

Last year, JF very kindly offered to come and give a talk on harrier testing to the small flying club that I'm lecture secretary for. Itwas well attended, but we could have squeezed a couple of fighter pilots in the back.

And I have to say, it was the highpoint of the season; JF is a superb speaker, who is incredibly generous with his time, and very patient with an audience whose understanding and experience were clearly a fraction of his own. The simple fact that somebody of his experience and professional status was very ready to come and talk to a couple of dozen PPLs says much about him, the coverage of the talk said even more, the fact that it didn't go over anybody's head completes the picture.


Dr Illitout
3rd Jul 2004, 16:09
Could this be the start of the John Farley fan club?!!!!
I'm quite concerned about The Teacher. When I was at school all that we learned about was the Romans (what did they ever do for us?). Now they are teaching the kids about Harriers!. Be careful or you might inspire some kid to join the industry!!!.

Rgds Dr.I

10th Jul 2004, 18:44
Could this be the start of the John Farley fan club?!!!!

If it is, can I join? :) Seriously, John has written a series of great articles on the Harrier for Flyer magazine. (http://www.flyer.co.uk/). Not sure of the exact issue numbers without looking, but it was only a few months back. They will, no doubt, be of some help and make for an enjoyable read, as always! :ok:

10th Jul 2004, 21:52
Mr Teacher, I suggest you might be able to arrange for a visit to Wittering or Cottesmore. Find out the station telephone number, call the PA to the Station Commander and explain that you want to write to him regarding a possible school visit. Ask for his name so that you can personalise the letter - it could make the difference... It will probably be passed to the Community Relations Officer.

You might even get a chance in the flight simulator (it's at Wittering.

The Teacher
14th Jul 2004, 08:34
FJJP, What a great idea, many thanks.

18th Jul 2004, 13:32
If you have not already made contact, the officer who looks after visits etc is Squadron Leader Tony Walsh, I believe his official job title is CCO.