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View Full Version : Objective advice really needed for wannabe currently planning his commercial route!

27th Jun 2004, 19:31
Hello all, great to join the ranks of wannabes and an absolute pleasure to read the threads present on the amazing forum.

I am 29 years old and after many years of applying for those sposorship schemes that you think no one actually get's (or only the very priveliged??) I am finally planning my commercial training along the modular route. Would love to the APP scheme with oxford but haven't got the spare £60+ or so lying around and more to live and support my family.

Anyway, I am currently my routing as such and would appreciate advice on the following questions. If there are any wannabes or those already there who know how much this means to them then please offer a quick reply.

I am planning to start as of March/April 2005 and will be working at the same time. I am about to start employment again as Cabin Crew for the worlds favourite airline as a means to pay for my training, along with my other 2 jobs and offer good time off.

Any how here they are:

1) Thinking about doing my PPL in the states. Can anyone recommend a very good flight school with the fcat that I will be going onto train for my commercial licences later on. Looking for a reputable company, good professional training and fairly easy on the wallet?

2) How long would you realistically give for the PPL?

3) Hour building, here in the UK or the states? Wherever you suggest can you please advise of any schools. Once again think about cost effective flying however keeping in mind challenging airpsace, commercial flying in terms of experience when I start to apply to the airlines??

4) ATPL ground school exams? Where in the UK is good and what is everyones take on distance learning. I have a degree in Physics for what it is worth and realise the hurdle is going to be the amount of information to learn rather than complexity of information.

5) Any more advice when dealing with FTO's in terms of exchanging money for courses, I have heard about some real nightmares of individuals losing good money!

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Cageflyer :D