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Cyprus Manoeuvre
25th Jun 2004, 20:43
Just heard that my father is suffering from glaucoma, and also that it might me hereditary. Always been a bit worried that I could also be a sufferer and the news from my father has just reinforced my concerns. Hope to undertake a Class 1 med in the next year. Is glaucoma likely to be a stopper or am I just worrying unnecessarily. Currently a military pilot and nothing has been picked up during any service medical.:confused:

Captain Airclues
25th Jun 2004, 22:02
I don't think that glaucoma would be picked up by a routine aviation medical. However, if you need glasses to pass a class 1 then you now require a full optitians report which includes pressures. It is would be to your own benefit to have them checked anyway.
The subject was discussed here (www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=41326)


29th Jun 2004, 17:54
Why not pop in to see your friendly optician? As your Dad has glaucoma you're entitled to a free eye test. I was in the same boat as you 15 years ago when I left Her Britannic Majesty's employ to join BA. I have a check every year and so far, so good.

Good luck!

1st Jul 2004, 10:33
:ouch: Going to an optician for glaucoma is almost the same as going to the shoestore to have your knees examined......

Hi Al, how are you doing today :D

1st Jul 2004, 11:07
....erm, are you saying I've been wasting my time for the last 15 years? As I understand it they will refer you to a specialist if they come across anything suspicious.:confused:

9th Jul 2004, 21:24
A father having glaucoma IS suspicious (or any other close relative having this disease)....

Opticians check eye pressure, but there is more in life than N1...

How about your optic nerve head, now that is Va