View Full Version : Black eyes & "baggies"

24th Jun 2004, 17:03
Guys n gals,

seeing as Cabin Crew are the people who know everything (or is it just clever 'marketing' on your part? ;) ) I'd like to know what you do to beat the "baggies" & tired eyes that are an inevitable part of flying.

I don't fly myself (but am hoping to soon!) and know that after a week or two my eyes will look terrible! I've tried everything, from drinking lots of water, to getting enough sleep, to the old cucumber slices. And yet, my eyes still look 10 years older than they should!! (Cue: "arrrrrggggh, I'm too young for this!")

Some people tell me it's hereditary, or it means something is wrong with you. I hope not! As I am trying to get airline work, I'd really like to improve this aspect of my appearance, as I know that looks do count with some people, especially in this industry.

I bow to the might and superior knowledge of the CC forum!!! :p

(Inspired to post by the "What's in your day bag?" thread, after seeing all the stuff you lot carry around the place, surely you'll know of something that can help!!!)


24th Jun 2004, 17:59
Although i dont have black eyes or bags.....yet....... I do have a handy product on sby just incase. It was left over from a Virgin Vie party, and it does work well, its a simple little tube of "wide a wake" eye gell, keep it in your fridge or on ice and it works a treat!

All the best

24th Jun 2004, 18:29
Yves Saint Lauren Touch Eclat/ Radiant touch, under powder does wonders.

Lots of moisturiser the night before sleep.

To rid eyes of that tired and falling asleep feeling, just lick your finger and run it over your eye lid, it refreshes instantly, but is only temporary.

Cold water is best to reduce puffiness.

If all else fails, steal some eye shades from business class and poke some holes in so you can see!!

24th Jun 2004, 22:06
Bags under the eyes are usually hereditary and generally the bags consist of fat and fluid. You can have a procedure called Blepharoplasty which removes the fat from your lower and/or upper eyelid. Its a cosmetic procedure so its not cheap.

Sleeping with your head slightly elevated should help with the excess fluid, but nothing really shifts the fat I'm afraid.

You can also "gently" massage your bags in the morning to help move the fluid, but you must be very careful not to push to hard or you will stretch or damage the skin around your eyes.

24th Jun 2004, 23:39
Six mile high- the old YSL "Magic Stick" I swear by it. It works be reflecting the light.

25th Jun 2004, 00:17
Suffer from severe mental bagginess after a night flight, but have been blissfully spared the eye-ones so far.
Know that many of my colleagues use hemorroid cream in the fight against the bags; very effective apparently.

25th Jun 2004, 02:27
hemorroid cream? That sounds rather scarey :ooh:

Generally if you use a concealer that has a yellow tone it is supposed to neutralise the blue/black colour of your eyes. Same as green neutralises red (blemishes)

Theres my 2 cents :D

25th Jun 2004, 02:46
Hemorroid cream works wonders for puffy eyes. It's been used for people in theatre, models.... for many many years. I've seen plenty of make-up artists use it but they don't carry a tube of it around, they keep it in little pots.

You really shouldn't use it daily though but it's fine for the odd day or night, when you really need it.

Miss Pam Ann
25th Jun 2004, 08:12
YES YES YES!!! Flaps 40 is right, Haemoroid cream works wonders...I have also read articles about it that top International Models use the cream also.....mmmmmmmm.....we are not the only one's waking up at un-Godly hours of the morning :eek:

Certainly not meant to frighten, however....my Mother-In-Law suffers from a Thyroid gland problem and one of the classic symptoms is puffy and dark circled eyes all the time.

I am sure it's lack of sleep, early sign on's, air-con et al honey!

Just wanted to share that with you :)

Miss Pam Ann xxx ;) ;) ;)

27th Jun 2004, 15:11
Thanks everyone for your replies.

lol @ eye shades - hmm might make me look more like a racoon, but if it gets bad enough :D

I have heard about the toned concealer etc, will have to swing by the makeup department and see what they say...

as for haemmarhoid cream, that's just scary! (but it does make sense!)

I think my 'tired' eyes' are hereditary, unfortunately, though the 'blackness does seem to vary.

Miss Pam Ann, the thyroid suggestion may not be too far off the mark, I have always suspected I may have an overactive one, as can eat and eat and not gain at all (are ya jealous? ;p ), been thin as a rail most of my short life, so, it may bear considering ruling that one out too....

anyway, thanks again for all the suggestions, will give 'em a go and see what happens.


PS - a 'magic stick' sounds perfect!!! can it do your hair too? :p

27th Jun 2004, 20:46
Careful with the Preparation H!

Women have long used it, as has been noted. But some have actually been blinded by it. Not really a great idea. I'd try the Magic Stick first!