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View Full Version : Prediction of Aircrew Tests for Coronary Heart Disease

23rd Jun 2004, 22:34
Had my 5 yearly Av Med refresher recently.

A couple of interesting points from the doc:

Non-invasive (x-ray/digital) inspections of the arteries which carry blood to and from the heart are improving at an incredible rate (much like anything digital). Which means that it will soon be far easier to detect your own stage of coronary heart disease (starts in males from about the age of 12). All males have this condition, it's the extent of the disease in each of us which varies (genetic, lifestyle etc). With me so far? Doc predicts that within about five years, using these new methods of detection, all aircrew will be tested for coronary heart disease. I think that it'll probably start with the civvys, who's employers are almost paranoid about individuals keeling over from heart attacks. Then the military will follow suit.

Ever heard of statins? Neither had I. They are, apparently, cholestoral reducing drugs which are spectacular in their effectiveness, with no side effects. Doc thinks that all male adults should be taking this wonder drug to counter heart disease (a massive killer). Why are they not available now? Because the patent on them does not run out for another 3 or 4 years. When it does, the formula can be freely marketed. So if orders will permit, this stuff looks like an excellent counter the any problems raised in his first point. Even if your cholestoral level is not life threatning, Doc still thinks we should all be popping these pills.

One of the guys on the course rasied the question of results being held against you (insurance, employment etc). No easy answers to that one.

Remember the drug name: statins (re. speculative shares buy).

If you've got a medic mate in the bar, run this stuff by him and see what he thinks.

(Edited because I remembered the word 'arteries' instead of using 'tube' :) )

24th Jun 2004, 01:04
As an old fart who has had one heart attack and coronary bypass surgery I'm quite familiar with Statins and they DO have side effects. In fact Statins can kill you - they can cause liver damage.

I take 10mg of Simvastatin every day and the doc follows me up with six monthly blood tests. These check the usual HDL & LDL cholestrerol levels, lipids, triglycerides but since I started on Simvastatin the doc is especially interested in my liver function. At the first sign of trouble he'd take me straight off Simvastatin again.

Statins are very effective in reducing cholesterol - my LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels remained stubbornly high on a low fat, low salt diet. Reducing saturated fat to less than 16 grammes per day had not the slightest effect, although I lost more than eight Kilogrammes in weight - ending up at just 63 Kgs (height 167 cml) The doc persuaded me to go on to Simvastatin before I disappeared completely and I reluctantly agreed. The effect on my cholesterol levels was immediate and dramatic - down from 6.8 to 4.0 in two weeks, so Statins are certainly effective - but no-one should consider using them except under close medical supervision.

24th Jun 2004, 15:15
why on earth will the military bother with this for aircrew!! its gonna cost money so it isnt gonna happen
10 years ago blood tests were carried out to keep an eye on levels etc to help predict heart problems, why was the frequency of blood test reduced!!? quite simple, cost, so there is little chance of this new system ever getting brought in
In a similar vein, was threatened with being grounded as I had not had my annual dental check up a few years ago, tried to book for this year got told to go away till i get a reminder as the time limit between check ups has been extended up to 18 months!!! why??????????? to save money!!!

24th Jun 2004, 19:54

"In a similar vein", eh?. Good one. :ok:

Spur Lash
24th Jun 2004, 22:13
May I refer you all to this link, which will give you advice on how to avoid being a risk in the first place. Speaking as a person with suitable levels of HDL and LDL; I am, of course, suitably smug:ok:

Moral of the story? Do phys, and eat your greens:D


25th Jun 2004, 00:51
Actually, the moral of the story is that if, like me, you are one of the ten per cent that have the inherited factor then all the exercise and greens in the world won't help you. People should be tested early for high cholesterol and, if dietary methods fail, then Statins can be used under close medical supervision to reduce the risk of artherosclerosis.

On the cost saving side of things, the military will be finished with your services as expensively trained killing machines by the time arterial disease begins to affect your performance, so they don't see any benefit in preventing it. Its your body though, and you still have to live in it long after the government has finished with it. So it makes sense to have the necessary checks while you are still young - paying for it out of your own pocket if necessary. Bypass surgery costs 20 grand you know, so its a good investment...

RubiC Cube
25th Jun 2004, 11:18
You can be fit, normal weight, normal cholesterol and still end up with coronary heart disease! The major thing is that if you are fit, you probably don't need remedial action apart from medicines. However, you still loose your mediacl grade regardless of fitness.

Spur Lash
25th Jun 2004, 22:49

My fullsome apologies; I did neglect to mention the genetic link.

Just reacting to seafuryfan's breathless post.


Him, not me:ok:

27th Jun 2004, 23:45
also see posts on this thread in Medical and Health forum.