View Full Version : Dynamic Stability

23rd Jun 2004, 20:09

I'm looking for a recommendation for a good textbook on fixed wing dynamic stability for subsonic aircraft. Any ideas would be appreciated.


Genghis the Engineer
23rd Jun 2004, 20:37
That's a fairly narrow subject within FW stability and control; if you've got a particular question you could do worse than ask it here.

But if you are looking for a single book, I'd go for Darrol Stinton's "Flying Qualities and Flight Testing of the Aeroplane", ISBN 0-632-02121-7

There are also some links to webpages on the PPrune tech log forum "sources of information" sticky that you are likely to find useful.


23rd Jun 2004, 21:07
If you can get it 'Aircraft Stability and Control for Pilots and Engineers' by Sqn Ldr Barry Dickinson is an excellent reference