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22nd Jun 2004, 11:45
Dear readers;

I am one day going to become an airline pilot and I heard this really bad radio on my scanner when taking pics at the fence at Brisbane Airport. I am currently studying for a Pratt & Whitney awareness course to help with getting my first job.
I have 14.98 hrs all on the C152.

Here is my story,

Quote: Whilst travelling the sunny skies of Queensland of late, I have noticed that our Premier regional carrier has employed quite a few "chicks" to fly their aircraft.

Reality: I was doing circuits at Archerfield and I am about to go solo. My instructor doesnt know but when I'm on downwind I tune up Brisbane Centre really quickly to listen to the Big Jets.

Quote: Last week in particular, I was photographing at the fence, minding my own business listening to my scanner, when I kept on hearing this young "chick" who was NFP on a regular RPT run, chortling into the mic. That's nice.

Reality: I know what NFP means because when I was on mystery flight I got the jump seat and the First Officer told me he was the NON FLYING PILOT. I told him I had 15 hours and wanted to be a pilot because of the "freedom" of being able to fly like a bird. He told me to keep at it, I felt soooo inspired!
I told him I want to be like him one day:)

Quote: Only thing was, she made a litany of errors, including twice giving the wrong destination identifier as part of her inbound call and then at the next stop forgetting to cancel her SAR. Then she tried to make excuses to centre for her mistake. It almost sounded as though the young lady was on her first IFR nav! But she did sound cute and sexy!


*Litany of errors*
'Series of supplications to God used in church services'
As defined in the Oxford Dictionary.

I can understand the frustration felt by a pilot of your stature.
I'm sure everyone in church looks to you when they hear an aircraft flying over. "why are you looking at John Twot mum?
Serena dear, John's a pilot you know! we in the community are so proud of him ! If only your brother was as sensible as John.

John Twot's such a correct kinda guy, yeah that's John Twot... sensible, medium build, dull kinda guy, dandruff control shampoo user, yeah you got it! preach the word of aviation. Oh and yeah look at my watch, it's got two time settings one for Eastern Time and the other for UTC, thats the Army time you hear them mention in the movies.

Quote: I found myself shaking my head at the bad technique used by a pilot flying for Queensland's premier regional airline.

Reality: Oh matey I feel equally as unimpressed, yeah only people correct 100% of the time should be allowed to fly. Being a pilot is a serious thing, always have that slight serious/scowl look on your face so people think you are concerntrating about your upcoming flight. I'll let all my pilot friends know about this style of pilot so we can endeavour to not let this bad technique develop within ourselves.
Just let us know of the 'Good Technique" as opposed to the 'Bad Technique' used, pilot of your level should feel proud to give something back to us flyers.

Quote: Being an equal oportunity employer is a terrific thing, as long as the same rigorous employment standards are used for those both young or old, chick or bloke.

Reality: My goodness you are such a mindful diplomatic kinda guy, praise be to ya !!!! :):):)
Mummy may not like you referring to girls as "chicks"
It warms me to know that you are such a fair critique when giving constructive critisism.

Quote: I find myself hoping that people such as the young lady mentioned above are indeed employed for their professionalism and not for other reasons.

Reality: Oh marvellous! you have seen the errors of your way and now the young lady has moved up the scale re your judgement. Perhaps bring it up at the next scale modellers conference and advise the secretary to highlight the minutes.
Just between you and me, I reckon she was employed because she has such lovely hair, but thats between you and I OK?

Quote: I would like to hear from other Ppruners on this subject and whether they have struck this phenomenon before. Perhaps Hugh Jarse could give us a few comments?

Reality: Jarse is around 1000km's all points south Einstein! how would he know about the exact circumstances??????????

Closure: Oh yes regarding the SAR issue, it was sorted, obviously unbeknown to you. You probably didnt know because it was sorted by us big airline pilots. Excuses were nil, keep reading your AIP's and you'll get to know all the big airline words we say. Not to worry, one day you'll be one of us.
Oh just one more thing, 'Phenomenon' as stated in the Oxford thingy says that it means 'remarkable person'

My name is John Twot and this is my story

Rind Skin
22nd Jun 2004, 12:37
Hi John Twot I think I saw you getting pissed in the Bourbon n Beefsteak last week.

As for your conncern, it is true. You never hear chix saying in the high-pitched voice, picture Capt Crust squirming in LHS.....
"Alphuuhh Deltuhhh CHAHHHHHH-leee, um....... landed ...................................................
........................................................(pau se) .......
...............(giggle)..................................... ..........
............................................................ .......... um, landed Dumbleyup, lah-dee-dah, cancel SAR! Tee hee!!"

Or do you????? You obviously heard SOMEthing. Your post reminds me of something I read recently somewhere.

Always amazes me how some guys will sell out for a bit of action. They're like... "That is SO sexist... I wonder what Germaine Greer would say???" Aren't there enough crew-cut harley-riders out there to jump on THAT bandwagon??

22nd Jun 2004, 22:09
In before lock!!!!! /high fives himself.

Hugh Jarse
23rd Jun 2004, 06:48
Rindskin wrote:Aren't there enough crew-cut harley-riders out there to jump on THAT bandwagon??Most of them will be at the Apollo Rally doing the catering:p. July 24-25 at the site of the old Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station south of Canberra. Honeysuckle was the FIRST place to speak with Apollo 11 following the moon landing. "The Dish" was wrong. Parkes was just an emergency backup.:p

I'l be there freezing my ar$e off, but those WIMA chicks cook up some good grub. They're a great bunch of blokes:}

I might be 1000km south, John Twot(?) but my lips are sealed. Suffice to say I might know something about it, but all you guys are into is chick bashing therefore you won't get an answer from me....
My instructor doesnt know but when I'm on downwind I tune up Brisbane Centre really quickly to listen to the Big Jets.Nice windup. If it's true, we'll read about you soon enough. If you can't follow SOPs at early post-solo stage, you'll never survive in an airline matey.

Nice windup :}. Padlock please!

Oh, before I go, while we're on the subject of

Q. What's the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?
A. The location of the dirt bag.

Q. Why do they call Harleys "Cattle Dogs"?
A. Because they love to go out for a run in the morning, but they always come home in the back of the ute.

23rd Jun 2004, 09:37
Overall 7, degree of difficulty 6.5. I hope your monkey is OK !