View Full Version : Interesting Observation

High Nr
19th Jun 2004, 13:22
The only time Mr or Mrs Pedalstop has made any entry here [as far as I can remember anyway] is not on any helicopter subject but always on an anti American or Political subject.

And a biased viewpoint at best!!!!

Get a life Pedalstop.

Let me first say that we tend to moderate mostly political comments because that is mostly where we ppruners leave the page. Secondly, I take great care to avoid any side, it is the politization of the site the we moderators try to avoid. Also, your only evidence as to any bias on my part is based on a forged post, made as a joke by Dave Jackson. Please re-examine the thread, "Apache Tech Rep reported Beheaded by Terrorists" and decide, High Nr.

BTW, what if I am Ms. PedalStop? Should I take offense?

PedalStop, Moderator

Bravo 99 (AJB)
19th Jun 2004, 17:08
Guys can we not fill up the threads with issues relating to this point, there is a current thread ongoing on this and it would be best left there. I like most junior commercial pilots on the threads like to get info relating to A/Cs Jobs feed back and tech info etc and not go into political issues as most people dont have the right answers anyway, and if the do the can do little more that moan about things.

Heliport and pedal stop you may wish eventually to merge the thread but i would hope that over the weekend the issue on the other thread could be sorted out and the relevent action taken to make sure what is going on do,s not happen again.

I would hope.



Bravo 99 (AJB)

B Sousa
20th Jun 2004, 18:19
Bravo writes:"I like most junior commercial pilots on the threads like to get info relating to A/Cs Jobs feed back and tech info etc and not go into political issues as most people dont have the right answers anyway, and if the do the can do little more that moan about things."

This issue has been asked and answered before. If a thread bothers one so much, then its not necessary to read it but move on to what you are looking for.
You get three Pilots in a room and you will get four answers to a problem and maybe none are correct. Thats just the way it is.
Hope your not one of those Junior Pilots who complains about the Senior Pilots. Seen a lot of those guys come and go.
Good Luck

Bravo 99 (AJB)
20th Jun 2004, 18:40
No mate I have no problem with senior pilots I am also not a moner i do enjoy inteligent conversation about current issues.

If you had been following the thread that has know been deleted by pedalstop over the weekend you would know what i am talking about.

As you havent then you clearly do not


Bravo 99 (AJB)

20th Jun 2004, 19:18
OK; It's time to get this non-rotorcraft thread deleted.

[Dave Jackson's politically charged comments deleted.]

Dave will spend some time in the penalty box for naughty behavior this weekend. Sorry Dave, your (usually) interesting posts will be missed for a while.

PedalStop, Moderator

22nd Jun 2004, 14:56

Mia Culpa. I wrote the posting over your name. At the time, I was laughing so hard that it was difficult to see the keys. Without thinking, I assumed that a few people might initially scratch their heads, but that the blatant inappropriateness of the post would result all readers understanding what was happening.

You and Heliport have done an excellent job in moderating and maintaining civility on this forum. I took an unreasonable liberty and sincerely regret the time and difficulty it has caused you.

As for my political postings, they were intended to counter those of other posts. I cannot, nor will I ever, apologize for showing a consideration for the customs and beliefs of other peoples.

The two of you, plus Danny, have clearly stated the parameters of PPRuNe. My political posts went beyond these boundaries and your disciplinary action is understood.

Dave J.