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17th Jun 2004, 05:49
Customer complaints about airlines soar: NQCA

Thursday, 17 June 2004

The North Queensland Consumers Association (NQCA) says it has anecdotal evidence people are making more formal complaints about airline services than ever before.

Spokesman Ken Kipping says commuters have been unhappy with cramped seating arrangements and the quality of in-flight food, both on new and established carriers.

He says he believes the focus of big business on profits and not consumers is to blame for the trend.

"Across the board, customers, and that's a word we tend to forget, are starting to feel just like a commodity and big business and the airlines treat them purely as a profit mechanism for the shareholders," he said.

"In other words, people are suffering at the expense of shareholders and customer service appears to be a thing of the past."

Meanwhile, new budget carrier Jetstar says it recognises people's right to complain.

Spokesman Simon Westaway says the company is confident in its handling mechanism, which deals with grievances on a daily basis.

Qantas has declined to comment, however David Huttner from Virgin Blue says his airline encourages all feedback.

He says the rate of complaints against the company has remained consistent in the last year - at or below one per thousand customers.

Three Bars
17th Jun 2004, 07:28
OK, so I guess the punters want more seat pitch, better food, more amenities and then they'll be happy.

But of course they DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR IT!!

So guess what - folks? Becuase you don't want to pay for it, the company bottom line is less - airlines are a business remember, not a public service!! So they will cut your seat pitch to fit more people in and they will make your meals cheaper.

This is the era of the People's Saviour - the Low Cost (Wage) Airline. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR AUSTRALIA - START GETTING USED TO IT . YOU ARE TO BLAME!

17th Jun 2004, 10:55
3 bars


Well put, I agree wholeheartly.


17th Jun 2004, 11:12
Sadly, this is not the case just for Airlines. I think alot of Corporation's in this day and age are this way.

Maximum profit, maximum working hours, skeleton crew, minimum wage, minimal leave, minimal R & R, minimal bonuses and incentives, etc etc.

I.E. How about the corporation's that are tending towards casual, part-time, permanent part-time employees, minimizing their full time staff. These poor people dont get any leave or sick pay, or certainty of employement or whatever their case maybe. Worst of all, they dont get many working hours each week so they need to look for another job to make ends meet, but the Howard government taxes them at nearly 50% of what they earn in their second job...The politicians dont care...The multi billion dollar companies are laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where do we go from here??:ugh:

17th Jun 2004, 18:56

Yes I think you have hit the nail on the head, SADLY, that is true.

Our local bank is a good (bad) example.

Years ago all the staff were full time and the service was normally very good, now ALL the staff are casuals, there are NO full time staff not even the Manager (they rotate around a few branches), and the service is pathetic, yet the bank in question makes billions of dollars profit every year.

In the unlikely event you can even find anyone to complain to, they tell you the bank is in business for their shareholders, not the customers, and certainly not just as a source of employment.

Guess the Airlines are the same now too.

Beer Can Dreaming
18th Jun 2004, 01:51
I agree with 3 bars.

So what is it with passengers these days???
Some just arent happy unless they have a whinge.

My pet peaves are:

1. They rock up late to airports and complain when they cant get on a flight

2. They check in then go missing in the terminals (despite being paged by name) then say "it's not my fault, why didnt you call me?" - then complain about the lateness of the flight at the other end when they miss their connection.

3. They will smuggle aboard oversized hand luggage that should have been checked in and obviously too large for the cabin, then whinge about having it stowed beneath where it should have been in the first place.

4. Some may attempt to smoke despite being warned of its hazards and when caught red-handed (including the evidence) they complain about being handed over to the feds after having denied it vehemently to begin with.
Their attitude is like "so what did I do wrong?"

5. They will let their kids run amock and then complain about them having to sit in their seats when politely asked to comply.
What do they want - a God-damned creche !!!
Even Sir Richard wouldnt consider this.

6. If moderate or severe turbulence is encountered for the large protion of a flight and cabin service just cant be provided for obvious reasons then some pax will whinge about not getting the meal they paid for - and when offered a meal voucher at their destination refuse it for reasons of causing them to run late.

What do these people really want?????

The list is endless and the paying public becoming more demanding in an increasingly cut-throat and competitive environment.

Get these pratts to fly domestically in the USA or Europe and see what you get!!!
My experience with the USA especially is woeful service and lucky to get a cuppa or toast between LAX and New York JFK.
That'll open their eyes.

As someone quoted in another posting these individuals need toilet training when it comes to travelling by air.