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View Full Version : B732 / B733 pneumatic difference

12th Jun 2004, 02:08
Hi all,
i have some questions about differences between the B732 / B733.

1) i know in the b737-300, there is the left pack supplying the cockpit & the mix manifold, while the right pack supply directly the mix manifold. Then mix manifold supply to left & right side wall.

What about the B737-200 ? is there a so called "mix manifold" too or does it have another name ? does the left pack supply also directly the cockpit or not ? and where does that mix manifold (or whatever its name is in the b732) supply the conditionned air to ?

2) Do you have an idea why (any advantage?) did boeing decide to put engine bleed valve BEFORE the precooler in the B733 while it was situated AFTER the precooler in the B732 ?

3) what exactly is a "gasper fan" ??

4) Is there a document describing the POWER/PITCH table for different phases of the flight for every airplane ? (like: on glide Body angle ZERO + power of 1600 fuel flow would give us a good profile on usual Vref F40) If yes, where can it be found ?

Thanks a lot to anyone who could answer any of the 4 questions.