View Full Version : V shaped template

8th Jun 2004, 03:41
Hi! :rolleyes:
I'm looking for software or a template to use in Word for making a V shaped textbox. I basically need to make stickers with text that are 18 cm in heigt, 9 cm width at top and 5 cm width at bottom. This probably sounds a bit silly but help would be greatly appreciated.

I know I could make this in a word document by moving the tabs for each line but this seems so inefficient and I figure there must be a more simpler way to do this.

Naples Air Center, Inc.
8th Jun 2004, 15:07

A program that should do what you need is:

Adobe PageMaker 7.0 (http://www.adobe.com/products/pagemaker/main.html)

Take Care,


8th Jun 2004, 22:43
As Richard suggests, this really is more a job for a desktop publishing suite or perhaps CAD software.

Unless you can use something like Scribus on a Linux machine (http://www.scribus.net/) which is free you will need to buy some software so perhaps the tab, tab, tab option is not too bad.

Serif (http://www.serif.com/) do some good lower priced DTP software.

Alternatively Corel Draw could do it, you can often get an old version on magazine cover disks.